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发布时间:2018-04-21 16:50

  本文选题:大学生弱势群体 + 思想政治教育 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生是我国未来社会的中坚力量,他们的成长历程和思想观念,直接影响着中国社会的发展,影响着中国梦的实现。随着我国改革开放的深入和政治经济体制的转变,以及高校教育体制的改革,被誉为“象牙塔”的大学校园内也出现了相对弱势的大学生群体。他们的情况纷繁复杂,不仅给学生本人健康成才带来困扰,也给家庭、学校和社会造成了许多消极影响,甚至已关系到高校的安全稳定和社会的和谐与发展。如何保障大学生弱势群体生存与发展的权益,不仅是学术界讨论的问题和全社会关注的焦点,更已成为高校思想政治工作及高校稳定工作的方向和指针。 本文以对社会学社会弱势群体和思想政治教育学及心理学的交叉研究的新视角,综合运用了文献法、社会调查法、比较分析法、理论联系实际法等方法,旨在通过对大学生弱势群体问题的深入研究,科学把握大学生弱势群体的状况,解决大学生弱势群体思想政治教育遇到的困难,探索出大学生弱势群体思想政治教育的有效对策。 本文对当代大学生弱势群体的思想政治教育的对策研究,是从厘清大学生弱势群体的基本概念入手,继而分析了大学生弱势群体的七大类型及其存在的问题。这一部分是全文的理论起点也是难点。在此基础上,第二部分客观分析了大学生弱势群体思想政治教育课堂以及课下存在的诸多问题,并发现总结了其主要成因。最后经过反复斟酌确定了大学生弱势群体思想政治教育的原则,并提出了大学生弱势群体思想政治教育的具体对策,,这部分是本文的重点希望本文的对现今高校大学生弱势群体思想政治教育工作的改进有所裨益,对大学生弱势群体的转化有所帮助,
[Abstract]:College students are the backbone of our society in the future. Their growth process and ideas directly affect the development of Chinese society and the realization of Chinese Dream. With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, the transformation of political and economic system, and the reform of the university education system, there are relatively weak groups of college students in the campus known as "ivory tower". Their situation is complicated, which not only brings trouble to the students, but also brings many negative effects to the family, school and society, and even relates to the safety and stability of colleges and universities and the harmony and development of the society. How to protect the rights and interests of the underprivileged groups of college students is not only the problem discussed in academic circles and the focus of the whole society, but also the direction and guideline of ideological and political work and steady work in colleges and universities. In this paper, a new perspective of cross-research on sociological social vulnerable groups and ideological and political pedagogy and psychology is presented. The methods of literature, social investigation, comparative analysis, theory and practice are used in this paper. The purpose of this paper is to scientifically grasp the situation of the disadvantaged groups of college students and solve the difficulties encountered in the ideological and political education of the disadvantaged groups of college students through the in-depth study of the problem of the vulnerable groups of college students. This paper explores the effective countermeasures of ideological and political education for the disadvantaged groups of college students. This paper studies the countermeasures of ideological and political education of the vulnerable groups of contemporary college students, starting with the clarification of the basic concepts of the vulnerable groups of college students, and then analyzes the seven types of the vulnerable groups of college students and their existing problems. This part is the theoretical starting point of the full text is also difficult. On this basis, the second part of the objective analysis of the ideological and political education of the disadvantaged groups of college students in the classroom as well as the existing problems under class, and found that the main causes. Finally, it determines the principles of ideological and political education of the disadvantaged groups of college students, and puts forward the concrete countermeasures of ideological and political education of the vulnerable groups of college students. This part is the focus of this paper, I hope this paper will be helpful to the improvement of ideological and political education of the vulnerable groups of college students, and to the transformation of the vulnerable groups of college students.


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