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发布时间:2018-04-22 00:14

  本文选题:大学生 + 责任意识教育 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:责任意识属于伦理学学科的一个重要的领域。在整个的伦理道德范畴体系当中,人类的道德责任意识属于最高的境界,道德责任意识逐渐变成衡量一个人的自身思想觉悟和思想境界是否高尚的标准之一。一个人的道德责任意识,在某种情况下,取决于人的思想道德意识。任意一种涉及道德伦理教育的讨论都离不开责任意识教育。责任意识教育是道德伦理教育的重点。教会一个人对自己的行为负责任,具有社会道德责任感,就是成功的思想道德教育。 随着社会的不断进步与时代的发展,人们对人才的要求不但没有松懈,反而更严格了,特别是对青年群体的主力军大学生自身的责任意识的相关要求也更严格了。新一代的青年主体思维勇于创新,智商较高,在未来社会不断发展和历史进程中起到越来越重要的作用。马克思说过“青年一代的精神,代表着一个时代的精神;青年一代的性格,代表着一个时代的性格。”在当今社会,人们对大学生这一青年群体的责任意识的关注度越来越高,这方面的教育也逐渐成为一个新课题,广大的专家学者们开始重视并且进行深度研究这一课题。 大学生的责任意识教育的宗旨是明确教育目标,制定教育计划,使受教育者的责任素质有所提高,使其自身能够达到崇高的责任意识目标,用所形成的使命感和责任感来提高则意识能力,最后转化为自身的则行为。当合人民政府已经对我国高等教育提出了非常明确的要求,大学生是社会未来的人才,其中大学生思想道德教育的重点内容就是责任意识教育,这是当前高等学校进行大学生思想道德教育的重中之重,是构建和谐文明校园的基本要求,也是提高大学生责任行为的需要。 祖国未来建设的主力军是当代的大学生,我国未来社会主义事业的成败直接由大学生的责任意识和责任素质影响,甚至关系到中华民族的繁荣富强。但是,当前某些大学生的责任意识情况似乎并不良好,道德意识导致行为失范的行为常常发生,这已经成为全社会共同关注的问题。这就需要我们教育者提高对大学生责任意识的教育,培养他们的责任使命感,并转化为效忠祖国、回报社会、关爱他人、爱护环境、自我改善的责任道德行为。塑造大学生的心灵道德就是帮助大学生养成道德责任意识,关注大学生的道德责任意识教育,就是重视培养一个对自己对社会负责的社会公民,从而是这些青年代做一个负责的人,学会过一中负责的生活。 近些年,越来越多的教育工作者投入到大学生责任意识缺失的问题关注中来,责任意识教育由于得到了高校思想道德教育的工作者的关注,已经成为了大学生思想道德教育的重要内容。所以,本文从现实角度出发,本着实事求是的原则,本着与时俱进的思想,主要从以下三部分对大学生责任意识教育进行问题的研究。 第一部分,对责任意识教育进行了概述。在分析诸多学者观点的基础上,阐释了大学生责任意识教育的内涵;指出责任意识教育具有历史性与实践性的统一、阶级性与选择性的统一、客观实践性与主观能动性的统一、社会性与社会角色适应性的统一四大特征;归纳了责任教育的重要意义;然后总结了责任教育从认知、行为、环境、导向四个构成要素。 第二部分,分析论述了当前大学生责任教育的主要问题及其主要原因。从认知、行为、环境、导向四方面着手大学生责任教育存在的问题;对这些问题追根溯源可以主要归因于大学生自我认知、个体行为、社会环境、及教育导向几方面原因。 第三部分,从大学生责任教育原因问题入手,提出了认知、行为、环境、导向四方面责任教育对策。其中认知层面阐述了学校责任教育的必要性及重要性;行为层面阐述了尊重学生自由和改进教育方法及内容;环境层面阐述了建立健全责任教育的管理、监督激励及协调机制;导向层面阐述了责任教育的引导目的、在实践中深化责任教育。
[Abstract]:The sense of responsibility belongs to an important field of ethics. In the whole ethical and moral category system, human moral responsibility consciousness is the highest, and moral responsibility consciousness gradually becomes one of the criteria to measure a person's own ideological consciousness and the nobleness of the ideological realm. Under the circumstances, it depends on people's ideological and moral consciousness. Any discussion of moral ethics education can not be separated from the education of responsibility consciousness. The education of responsibility consciousness is the focus of moral ethics education. It is the responsibility of a person to teach a person to his own behavior, the sense of social moral responsibility, and the ideological and moral education of success.
With the continuous progress of the society and the development of the times, the demands of the people have not been loosened, but more strict, especially the demands on the sense of responsibility of the main force of the youth group. The new generation of young people's thinking is innovative, the intelligence quotient is higher, and the development and history of the future society is continuous. The process plays a more and more important role. Marx said, "the spirit of the young generation represents the spirit of an age; the character of the young generation represents the character of an age." in today's society, people are paying more and more attention to the sense of responsibility of the youth group, and the education in this respect has gradually become one. A new topic, the majority of experts and scholars began to pay attention to and in-depth study of this subject.
The purpose of the sense of responsibility education for college students is to make clear the goal of education, to make educational plans, to improve the quality of the responsibility of the educated, to achieve the goal of lofty sense of responsibility, to improve the sense of consciousness with the sense of mission and responsibility formed, and to turn to its own behavior. The higher education in our country has put forward a very clear requirement. The college students are the talents of the future of the society. The key content of the ideological and moral education of the college students is the education of responsibility consciousness. This is the most important part of the ideological and moral education for college students at present. It is the basic requirement for the construction of a harmonious literary and Ming campus and the improvement of the responsibility of the university students. The need for action.
The main force of the future construction of the motherland is the contemporary college students. The success or failure of the future socialist cause of our country is directly influenced by the responsibility consciousness and responsibility quality of the college students, even the prosperity and prosperity of the Chinese nation. However, the current situation of some college students' sense of responsibility seems to be bad, and the moral consciousness leads to the behavior anomie. It often happens, which has become a common concern of the whole society. This requires our educators to raise the sense of responsibility of the college students, cultivate their sense of responsibility, and transform them into the moral behavior of loyalty to the motherland, the society, the love of others, the love of the environment, and the self improvement. Students develop moral responsibility consciousness and pay attention to college students' moral responsibility consciousness education, which is to cultivate a social citizen responsible for their society. They are responsible people from these young generations, and learn to live a responsible life.
In recent years, more and more educators have devoted themselves to the problem of College Students' lack of sense of responsibility. The education of responsibility consciousness has become an important content of the ideological and moral education of college students because of the concern of the workers of Ideological and moral education in Colleges and universities. Therefore, this article is based on the principle of seeking truth from facts. In line with the idea of keeping pace with the times, the following three parts are mainly concerned with the research on the education of university students' sense of responsibility.
The first part is an overview of the responsibility consciousness education. On the basis of the analysis of many scholars' views, the connotation of College Students' responsibility consciousness education is explained. It is pointed out that the education of responsibility consciousness has the unity of historical and practical, the unity of class nature and selectivity, the unity of objective practice and subjective initiative, and the social and social roles. The four characteristics of adaptability are unified, and the importance of responsibility education is summed up. Then four elements of responsibility education from cognition, behavior, environment and guidance are summed up.
The second part analyzes the main problems and the main reasons of the current college students' responsibility education, and begins with the four aspects of cognition, behavior, environment and guidance. The origin of these problems can be attributed to college students' self cognition, individual behavior, social environment, and education guidance.
The third part, starting with the cause of College Students' responsibility education, puts forward four aspects of responsibility education in cognition, behavior, environment and guidance. The cognitive level expounds the necessity and importance of school responsibility education; the behavioral level expounds the respect for students' freedom and the improvement of teaching methods and contents; and the environmental level expounds the establishment and perfection of the education. The management, supervision, encouragement and coordination mechanism of responsibility education, the guiding goal of responsibility education, and the deepening of responsibility education in practice are expounded at the guidance level.



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