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发布时间:2018-04-22 23:40

  本文选题:上海大学生 + 智能手机 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着技术的迅猛发展,最初以语音通讯为目的的手机到如今已是集上网、游戏休闲等诸多功能于一身的智能手机。放眼望去,各种场合都能看见使用手机的人群。手机已像空气一样弥漫在我们的周围,地铁里、人行道上等无处不是盯着手机并不停地滑动手指的“手机人”。从传统手机向智能手机的转变,使得用户对它的使用与满足形态产生了许多新的特点。 基于上海大学生使用智能手机情况的调查数据,运用传播学使用与满足理论、社会建构论等理论进行分析研究。本文依据使用与满足理论的基本研究思路,通过问卷调查与深度访谈获取第一手资料,描述上海大学生使用智能手机的基本行为情况,并且阐述上海大学生在使用智能手机过程中所表现出的使用需求。在此基础上,结合访谈内容,总结归纳出大学生使用智能手机的六种满足形态,即心绪转换效用、人际关系效用、环境监测效用、自我实现效用、工具利用效用和成本收益效用。鉴于智能手机的独特之处,满足形态在内容上有所扩展和延伸。但同时发现,与传统媒体相比,这种独特性也使得大学生在使用智能手机过程中,自我确认效用满足形态的缺失。 通过研究大学生对智能手机的使用行为发现,手机的通讯功能正在被淡化,而它的附属功能却成了关注的焦点。此外,通过研究也发现,,受访大学生由于对智能手机过度依赖而导致了负面效应。如何解决这些问题,将是笔者进一步思考的课题。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of technology, the mobile phone originally aimed at voice communication has become a smartphone with many functions such as Internet access, games and leisure. At a glance, people using mobile phones can be seen on various occasions. Mobile phones have filled us like air, in the subway, on the sidewalk, everywhere, staring at them and sliding their fingers. The change from the traditional mobile phone to the smart phone has brought many new features to the user's use and satisfaction. Based on the data of Shanghai college students' use of smart phone, the theory of using and satisfying in communication science and the theory of social constructivism are used to analyze and study. Based on the basic research ideas of the theory of use and satisfaction, this paper obtains first-hand information through questionnaires and in-depth interviews, and describes the basic behavior of Shanghai college students using smart phones. And elaborated the Shanghai university student to use the smartphone the process to display the use demand. On this basis, combined with the interview content, summed up the use of smart phone college students six types of satisfaction, namely, mood conversion utility, interpersonal utility, environmental monitoring utility, self-realization utility, Utility of tool utilization and utility of cost benefit. Given the unique nature of the smartphone, the contented form extends and extends in content. At the same time, it is found that compared with the traditional media, the uniqueness of this kind of uniqueness also makes the university students in the process of using smartphones, self-confirmation utility to meet the lack of shape. It is found that the communication function of the mobile phone is being desalinated, but its subsidiary function has become the focus of attention by studying the behavior of the university students in the use of the smartphone. In addition, the study also found that college students were too dependent on smartphones to lead to negative effects. How to solve these problems, will be the author further thinking of the subject.


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