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发布时间:2018-04-23 18:12

  本文选题:媒介融合 + 播音与主持艺术专业 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着科技的进步,传播媒介正经历巨大的变革,相对于传统媒介低迷的发展,,各种新的媒介形态不断涌现并快速发展。伴随数字技术的广泛运用和网络传播的迅猛发展,原本泾渭分明的各种媒介之间形成互相融合的“媒介融合”新局面。在新的媒介环境下,传统媒体的生存面临新的挑战,同时对我国高等教育传媒类相关专业在人才的培养、人才的需求和选择上都提出了新的要求。 作为培养媒介传播活动界面人物的播音与主持艺术专业,经过半个多世纪的发展,为广播电视领域输出了大量专业人才,形成了较为系统的、全面的理论体系。如今,在媒介融合的新环境中,播音与主持艺术专业教育如何才能满足对播音员、主持人提出的更高要求;复杂的专业教育现状、传统的教学理念和培养模式受到了严重冲击。在媒介融合的大背景下,什么才算是播音与主持艺术专业教育的可持续发展之路、怎样开拓专业人才的培养路径,如何才能满足新媒体深层次发展的人才需求……种种都是摆在播音与主持专业教育工作者面前亟需解决的问题。 本文选取中国传媒大学(北京)、浙江传媒学院(杭州)、陕西师范大学(西安)、西北师范大学(兰州)、四川传媒学院(原成都理工大学广播影视学院、成都)等几所院校为研究样本,分析播音与主持艺术专业教育的现状及专业教育暴露的问题,深入研究媒介融合对高校播音与主持艺术专业教育的影响,就专业人才需求结构、课程设置与教学模式与师资队伍建设等内容系统分析研究,勾勒出媒介融合背景下我国播音与主持艺术专业教育发展现状的轮廓,阐述专业教育暴露的问题,并尝试提出专业可持续发展应对策略。
[Abstract]:With the progress of science and technology, the media is undergoing tremendous changes. Compared with the development of traditional media, various new media forms continue to emerge and develop rapidly. With the wide use of digital technology and the rapid development of network communication, a new situation of "media convergence" is formed between different media. In the new media environment, the survival of the traditional media faces new challenges, at the same time, it puts forward new requirements on the cultivation, demand and choice of talents for the related majors of media in higher education in our country. After more than half a century's development, the broadcasting and hosting major, which trains the interfacial characters of media communication activities, has exported a large number of professionals to the field of radio and television, and has formed a relatively systematic and comprehensive theoretical system. Nowadays, in the new environment of media integration, how to meet the higher requirements for broadcasters and moderators in the professional education of broadcasting and hosting art, and the complex situation of professional education, the traditional teaching concepts and training models have been seriously impacted. Under the background of media amalgamation, what is the sustainable development of broadcasting and hosting art education, how to open up the training path of professional talents, and how to meet the demand of new media for the deep development of talents. All kinds of problems need to be solved in front of the professional educators. This paper selects Communication University of China (Beijing), Zhejiang Institute of Communication (Hangzhou), Shaanxi normal University (Xi'an), Northwest normal University (Lanzhou), Sichuan Institute of Communication (formerly Chengdu University of Technology, Radio, Film and Television), Chengdu) and other colleges and universities, as research samples, analyze the present situation of broadcasting and hosting art major education and the problems exposed by professional education, and deeply study the influence of media fusion on broadcasting and hosting art major education in colleges and universities, and discuss the structure of demand for professional talents. This paper systematically analyzes and studies the contents of curriculum setup, teaching mode and the construction of teaching staff, outlines the outline of the present situation of the development of the education of broadcasting and hosting arts in our country under the background of media fusion, and expounds the problems of the exposure of professional education. And try to put forward professional sustainable development strategy.


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