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发布时间:2018-04-24 07:05

  本文选题:高等教育资源配置 + 教育公平 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:湖北省是我国“中部崛起”战略的支点、中心,全国交通枢纽。科教文化实力位居全国前列,同时也是全世界在校大学生最多的地区。湖北拥有的高等院校和重点院校数量位于全国前列,必须完成向教育强省的转变,更多地承担起中部崛起和科教兴国等经济战略提供人才和智力支持的重要作用。虽然拥有丰富的高等教育资源,但湖北省的综合竞争能力并不强,集中体现在没有合理的高等教育资源使用规划,高等教育缺乏公平,政府的重视不够等,上述都是在我国迈向高等教育大众化路程中遇见的问题。因此政府优化配置高等教育资源,建立以市场调节为基础的高等教育资源配置的运行机制,合理设置和规划湖北省高等教育层次结构,实现办学资源投资多元化渠道,进而促进经济全面、协调和可持续发展,对建设社会主义和谐社会都具有重要的指导意义。 本文收集了湖北省自2004年至今关于高等教育资源配置的各方面数据,从中可分析出目前我省存在的主要问题包括政府财政投资不足、教育公平问题日益突出、高等教育资源浪费现象严重以及各高校科研成果转化为科技动力的效率较低等。然而处理好高等教育资源配置的合理与公平问题,不但要考虑到市场经济环境的影响,各高校内部体制是否合理健全,同时也要重视政府在高等教育方面的政策和体制指引和约束。只有协调好这三方的关系,才能有效的达到高等教育资源优化配置的目的。然而最重要的是政府是否发挥好其主导作用,根据湖北省各区域的实际情况变化出台相关政策,是否为高等教育的发展树立了正确的风向标,是否建立完善的法律体系为高等教育资源配置的优化保驾护航,提供实质的保障和约束,最终达到教育成果推动经济发展,经济发展促进教育资源优化这种良性循环的局面。 通过国内一流大学排行和每年国内各项优秀科研成果问世的分布情况,我们不难发现国内很多经济发达城市在高等教育方面取得的硕果远胜于我省,本文以江苏省为例,分析江苏省政府在处理各阶段高等教育资源问题上的丰富经验和对策,并结合我省的实际情况,总结出符合我省高等教育发展的经验措施。 最后,结合前文对湖北省高等教育现状的分析,提出实现政府对湖北省高等教育的多元化财政投资,政府同社会各界团体共同投资共同发展,减轻政府负担;利用科学发展观来指导和规划湖北省高等教育层次结构与布局;合理分配现有高等教育资源,提高高等教育资源利用率;建立高等教育资源配置制度新体系;完善科研成果转化与产业机制建设,促进区域经济共同和谐发展等相应的建议措施。只有重视高等教育发展道路中出现的问题,并及时解决和预防,才能确保我省高等教育健康的发展,才能更好的促进我省经济水平的提高。 通过分析湖北省高等教育资源的现状及问题,分析研究政府财政投资政策,结合江苏省优秀的教育经验,提出相应的解决措施和建议,积极推进高等教育资源管理制度的建设和完善,全面落实科教兴国的战略方针,对实现湖北省高等教育资源的优化配置,推动中国从人口大国向人力资源强国迈进具有积极意义。
[Abstract]:Hubei province is the fulcrum of China's "central rising" strategy, the center and the national transportation hub. The cultural strength of science and education is in the forefront of the country. At the same time, it is also the largest area in the world. The number of universities and key universities in Hubei is in the forefront of the country. It must complete the change to the strong education province and bear the central rise in the middle of the country. The economic strategy, such as starting and developing the country by science and education, provides the important role of talent and intellectual support. Although there is a rich resource of higher education, the comprehensive competitive ability of Hubei is not strong, it is concentrated on the lack of reasonable use of higher education resources, the lack of equity in higher education, and the insufficient attention of the government. Therefore, the government optimizes the allocation of higher education resources, establishes the operation mechanism of the allocation of higher education resources on the basis of market regulation, rationally sets up and plans the structure of higher education in Hubei Province, and realizes the pluralistic channel of investment in running school resources, thus promoting the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable economy. Continuous development has important guiding significance for building a harmonious socialist society.
This paper collects all aspects of the data on the allocation of higher education resources from 2004 to the present in Hubei province. From this, we can analyze the main problems that exist in our province, including the lack of government financial investment, the increasingly prominent problem of educational equity, the serious waste of higher education resources and the efficiency of the transformation of scientific research results into scientific and technological power of various colleges and universities. However, to deal with the rational and fair problem of the allocation of higher education resources, it is necessary not only to take into account the influence of the market economic environment, but also to make the internal system of various colleges and universities reasonable and sound. At the same time, we should pay more attention to the government's policy and institutional guidance and restraint on higher education. Only by coordinating the relationship between the three parties, can we reach the higher level of the higher education. However, the most important thing is whether the government plays its leading role, and according to the changes in the actual situation of Hubei Province, has set up the correct wind vane for the development of higher education, and whether to establish a perfect legal system for the optimization of the allocation of higher education resources, The real guarantee and restraint will finally achieve the virtuous cycle of educational achievement promoting economic development and economic development promoting educational resources optimization.
Through the ranking of first-class universities in China and the distribution of excellent scientific research achievements in China every year, it is not difficult to find that many economic developed cities in China have achieved great achievements in higher education than in our province. This article takes Jiangsu Province as an example to analyze the rich experience of the Jiangsu provincial government in dealing with the problems of higher education resources at various stages. And countermeasures, combined with the actual situation of our province, summed up the experience and measures that accords with the development of higher education in our province.
Finally, based on the analysis of the present situation of higher education in Hubei Province, this paper proposes to realize the diversified financial investment of the government for higher education in Hubei province. The government shares the common development with the community groups to reduce the burden of the government, and uses Scientific Outlook on Development to guide and plan the structure and layout of the higher education in Hubei province; We have higher education resources, improve the utilization rate of higher education resources, establish a new system of resource allocation system in higher education, perfect the transformation of scientific research results and industrial mechanism, and promote the common and harmonious development of regional economy. To ensure the healthy development of higher education in our province, we can better promote the economic level of our province.
By analyzing the present situation and problems of the higher education resources in Hubei Province, this paper analyzes and studies the government's financial investment policy, combined with the excellent educational experience of Jiangsu Province, and puts forward the corresponding solutions and suggestions, actively promoting the construction and improvement of the system of higher education resources management, fully implementing the strategic policy of promoting the country by the education of science and education, and realizing the higher education in Hubei province. It is of positive significance to optimize the allocation of resources and promote China to move forward from a large population country to a powerful human resource country.



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