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发布时间:2018-04-25 09:31

  本文选题:大学生 + 责任道德 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生是中国特色社会主义事业的接班人,是中华民族的未来和希望。他们的思想道德状况如何,直接关系到中华民族的整体素质,关系到国家前途和民族命运。高度重视对大学生的培养和教育,努力提高大学生的思想道德素质,是我们党和国家事业后继有人的重要保证。大学生责任教育是大学生思想道德教育的一个重要方面,大学生在未来社会建设中所肩负的责任是毋庸置疑的,然而,当代大学生的责任道德现状却不令人满意,因此,对当代大学生进行责任道德教育就显得尤为必要。 本文共分为四部分: 第一部分,对责任的相关概念做了界定,明确了对大学生进行责任道德教育的必要性与意义,梳理了国内外的研究现状,确定了本论文的研究方向。 第二部分,分析了当代大学生责任道德的现状。当代大学生责任道德主流是积极向上的:他们的政治素养和爱国热情普遍较高;热心公益事业,积极投身于青年志愿者活动;富有正义感,积极伸张正义。但是,不可否认,目前仍有部分大学生责任道德存在一些问题:生命意识淡薄,感恩意识不强,个人本位突出,社会公德弱化。 第三部分,分析了当代大学生责任道德存在问题的原因:家庭教育重视不够;学校导向存在偏差,学校教学和管理方法欠佳,大学生群体和高校教师的影响,校园文化建设不到位;社会不良风气和市场经济的消极的影响,西方文化思潮的冲击以及网络信息技术的影响;大学生自身心理不成熟、自我意识发展水平低,对社会及自己所应承担的社会责任认识不足。 第四部分,论述了当代大学生责任道德教育的基本途径:家长要提高认识、树立正确的教育理念,以身作则、为孩子树立榜样,从生活点滴培养孩子的责任道德;学校要建立健全管理和评价机制,教师要率先垂范、以身作则,构建良好的校园文化环境;在全社会建立健全责任制度,加强社会主义核心价值体系建设,充分发挥媒体的引导和教育作用;大学生要提高自我认识和评价能力,自我调节和控制能力。
[Abstract]:College students are the successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the future and hope of the Chinese nation. Their ideological and moral status is directly related to the overall quality of the Chinese nation, the future of the country and the destiny of the nation. The important guarantee of the successor of the cause of the party and the state. The responsibility education of college students is an important aspect of the ideological and moral education of the college students. The responsibility of the college students in the future social construction is beyond doubt. However, the present situation of the moral responsibility of the contemporary college students is not full. Therefore, the moral education of the contemporary college students is carried out. It is particularly necessary to give birth.
This article is divided into four parts:
In the first part, the concept of responsibility is defined, the necessity and significance of responsibility moral education for college students are clarified, the research status at home and abroad is combed, and the research direction of this paper is determined.
The second part analyzes the current situation of the moral responsibility of contemporary college students. The mainstream of contemporary college students' responsibility morality is positive: their political accomplishment and patriotic enthusiasm are generally high; they are enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings, actively devote themselves to the activities of young volunteers; they have a sense of justice and active extension of Zhang Zhengyi. However, there are still some universities that are still undeniable. There are some problems in the moral responsibility of life: the sense of life is weak, the sense of gratitude is not strong, the personal standard is prominent, and the social morality is weakening.
The third part analyzes the reasons for the existing problems of the contemporary college students' responsibility morality: the lack of emphasis on the family education, the deviation of the school guidance, the poor teaching and management methods of the school, the influence of the college students and the university teachers, the lack of the campus culture construction, the negative influence of the bad social atmosphere and the market economy, and the Western cultural trend of thought. The impact of the network information technology and the impact of the network, college students themselves immature, low level of self-consciousness development, and the social responsibility of the society and their own lack of understanding of the social responsibility.
The fourth part discusses the basic ways of moral education for contemporary college students: parents should improve their understanding, set up a correct educational idea, set an example by example, set an example for the children and train their children's responsibility morality from a little bit of life; the school should establish a sound management and evaluation mechanism, and teachers should take the lead in the establishment of a good school. The cultural environment of the garden; establishing and perfecting the responsibility system in the whole society, strengthening the construction of the socialist core value system, giving full play to the guidance and educational role of the media, and improving the ability of self-awareness and evaluation, and the ability of self-regulation and control.



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1 王茂诗;大学生责任伦理问题研究[D];重庆师范大学;2014年




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