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发布时间:2018-04-25 11:52

  本文选题:民国时期 + 乡村师范教育 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国的近代师范教育,曾经历了一段特殊而重要的发展过程,就是民国时期乡村师范教育的兴起与发展乡村师范教育是一种办在乡村,专门培养乡村小学教师的中等师范教育它的产生与发展,不仅扩大了师范教育自身的规模,完善了师范教育的体系,而且还代表了师范教育开始注重乡村,越来越接近当时中国社会的现实与需要因此,本文从有关民国时期乡村师范教育的一手资料入手,分别从乡村师范教育的产生动因发展概况培养目标课程设置教育实习与毕业服务这几个方面,对民国时期的乡村师范教育,进行系统而又深入地分析研究,并在此基础上,揭示民国时期乡村师范教育发展的特点,,总结其历史经验及教训,以期从中寻找到对我国农村教育和师范教育的启示 本研究由以下几个部分组成: 引言部分对本研究的研究背景目标及方法进行了简要介绍,论述了该研究的理论与实际价值,并对该问题的研究现状进行了分析 第一部分探讨了乡村师范教育产生的历史动因,主要包括乡村教育运动师范教育改革运动和义务教育普及运动三方面的推动 第二部分将民国时期乡村师范教育的发展分为四个阶段,即兴起阶段(1912-1926)发展阶段(1927-1930)高涨阶段(1931-1936)与衰落阶段(1937-1949),并对其发展概况进行详细的论述 第三部分和第四部分,分别对乡村师范教育的培养目标课程设置教育实习与毕业服务四个方面进行阐述,并着重对不同类型的乡村师范学校的课程设置进行分析 第五部分为民国时期乡村师范教育的特点及启示通过对乡村师范教育的概观,分析并总结出乡村师范教育的特点以及当代启示
[Abstract]:The modern normal education in China has experienced a special and important development process, that is, the rise and development of rural normal education in the period of the Republic of China is a kind of rural normal education. The emergence and development of secondary normal education, which specializes in the training of rural primary school teachers, not only expands the scale of normal education itself and perfects the system of normal education, but also represents that normal education has begun to pay attention to the countryside. More and more close to the reality and needs of the Chinese society at that time, therefore, this paper starts with the first-hand information on rural normal education during the Republic of China. On the basis of systematic and in-depth analysis of rural normal education during the period of the Republic of China, this paper makes a systematic and in-depth study on the rural normal education from the following aspects: the general situation of the development of rural normal education, the setting of educational practice and graduation service, and on the basis of this, This paper reveals the characteristics of the development of rural normal education during the period of the Republic of China, sums up its historical experience and lessons, and hopes to find out the enlightenment to the rural education and normal education in China. This study consists of the following parts: In the introduction, the research background and methods are briefly introduced, the theoretical and practical value of the study is discussed, and the present situation of the research is analyzed. The first part discusses the historical causes of rural normal education, mainly including the rural education movement teacher education reform movement and compulsory education popularization movement three aspects of the promotion. The second part divides the development of rural normal education in the period of the Republic of China into four stages: the rising stage (1912-1926)) the stage of development (1927-1930)) the stage of upsurge (1931-1936) and the stage of decline (1937-1949), and the general situation of its development is discussed in detail. The third part and the fourth part, respectively to the rural normal education training goal curriculum establishment, the education practice and the graduation service four aspects carries on the elaboration, and emphatically carries on the analysis to the different type countryside normal school curriculum design. The fifth part is the characteristics and enlightenment of rural normal education in the period of the Republic of China. Through an overview of rural normal education, the author analyzes and summarizes the characteristics and contemporary enlightenment of rural normal education.


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