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发布时间:2018-04-26 22:17

  本文选题:KPI + 高校教师 ; 参考:《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》2013年04期

[Abstract]:At present, the performance assessment system of university performance in our country has not been able to supervise, motivate and improve the performance of teachers, but it hinders the development of teachers themselves and encourages the emergence of academic corruption. From the actual situation of teachers' posts in Colleges and universities, it is possible to think clearly, decompose and quantify the KPI method in the management of enterprise performance. In order to make the system of performance salary of college teachers more pertinent and motivating, it is more in line with the actual situation of college teachers at the present stage, in order to promote the common development of school and teachers and build a good environment for colleges and universities.

【作者单位】: 河南大学哲学与公共管理学院;河南大学心理与行为研究所;


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