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发布时间:2018-04-27 12:22

  本文选题:教学运行管理 + 二级管理 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着各高校进行教育体制改革,一部分办学条件成熟的高职高专学校通过升格或合并,成为新建的地方本科院校。这些新建本科院校为了向本科教育转变,进行内部管理变革,教学运行管理方面大多实行校、院(系)两级管理模式。这些院校在改革中虽然取得了跨越式的发展,但是在某些层面上还没有完全摆脱高职高专时期的管理模式或是不加以改变完全复制老高校的运行模式,以致教学运行管理效率不高,导致二级管理的效果并没有达到预期期望。G学院属于此类新建本科院校之一,改革的进程亦遇到瓶颈,教学运行管理机制不顺畅。 本文在此背景下,运用戴明博士“戴明环”管理理论,,对G学院教学运行管理展开研究。本文共分五个部分对G学院的教学运行管理进行分析探讨:第一部分为导论,主要介绍研究背景、目的和意义、研究的现状和研究的思路与方法。第二部分运用文献研究法系统地对教学运行管理的相关界定和内涵作详细的阐述和辨析。第三部分深入地考察了G学院教学运行管理的教学计划、教学执行过程、教学检查与教学评价管理共四个方面的现状。第四部分根据G学院的教学运行管理现状进行分析并进一步指出G学院在教学运行管理中所存在的问题,并对其成因进行了深入的探讨。第五部分根据原因分析对G学院现存的具体问题进行思考,提出深化教学运行管理的几点建议:如确立学校办学思路、增加实践课程在课程设置中的比例、创新人才培养模式、规范化管理教学运行制度、建立科学完善的评价考核机制五点建议。本研究主要运用文献研究法和个案研究法对问题提出具体策略,期望通过研究成果,推动新建地方性本科院校教学运行管理的改革,提高教学运行质量并有利于其他新建地方性本科院校借鉴和交流。
[Abstract]:With the reform of the education system, some of the colleges and universities with mature conditions become new local colleges through upgrading or merging. In order to change to undergraduate education, these newly-built colleges and universities carry out internal management reform, and most of them carry out the two-level management mode of colleges and universities (departments) in the aspect of teaching operation management. Although these colleges and universities have made leap-forward development in the reform, they have not completely got rid of the management mode of higher vocational education period or have not completely copied the operation mode of the old colleges and universities at some levels. As a result, the efficiency of teaching operation management is not high, and the effect of secondary management does not reach the expectation. G college belongs to one of the newly built undergraduate colleges. The reform process also encounters bottlenecks, and the management mechanism of teaching operation is not smooth. Under this background, this paper studies the teaching operation management of G College by using the management theory of Dr. Dai Ming's "Dai Minghuan". This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, which mainly introduces the research background, the purpose and the significance, the present situation of the research and the thought and method of the research. In the second part, the related definition and connotation of teaching operation management are expounded and analyzed systematically by literature research method. In the third part, the present situation of teaching plan, teaching execution process, teaching inspection and teaching evaluation management in G college is investigated. The fourth part analyzes the current situation of teaching operation management in G college and further points out the problems existing in the teaching operation management of G college and probes into its causes. In the fifth part, according to the analysis of the reasons, the author puts forward some suggestions to deepen the management of teaching operation, such as establishing the idea of running a school, increasing the proportion of practical courses in the curriculum, and innovating the mode of talent training. Standardized management of teaching operation system, the establishment of scientific and sound evaluation and assessment mechanism five suggestions. This research mainly uses the literature research method and the case study method to put forward the concrete strategy to the question, hopes through the research result, promotes the new local undergraduate course university teaching operation management reform, Improve the quality of teaching and help other newly-built local colleges and universities to learn from and exchange.


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