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发布时间:2018-04-28 16:01

  本文选题:国际化 + 高等学校 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校学生事务管理作为高等教育管理的一个有机组成部分,在大学生的健康成长与发展成才的过程中具有不可替代的保障和支撑作用,它对增强大学生的适应性、发展大学生的智力、促进大学生的道德成长等方面都具有重要的作用。因此,加强高校学生事务管理是培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人的重要任务。国际化作为一种客观的历史进程,是当今世界的现实趋势,更是二十一世纪最鲜明的时代特征。国际化进程的高歌猛进既赋予了我国高校学生事务管理更为宽广的视野,更加开放的品格,同时也带来了一系列严峻的挑战。 “他山之石,可以攻玉。”欧美国家是现代大学的主要发源地,他们有着世界上最为发达的高等教育系统,并且一直有着重视高校学生事务管理的传统。作为率先经历全球化特别是高等教育国际化的地区和国家,欧美国家高校的学生事务管理在应对和适应国际化的过程中积累了丰富的经验。在欧美国家高校里,他们建立了健全完善的学生事务管理机构,形成了协调一致的学生管理系统;制定了明确的学生管理目标和完善的法规制度;形成了完整的学科体系和完善的岗位专业标准,实现了管理队伍的专业化、职业化发展;此外,还始终注重以学生为中心,强调学生的自我管理与参与管理。欧美国家高校学生事务管理在适应和应对国际化过程中的成功经验给正在发展完善中的我国高校学生事务管理以莫大的启示和有益的借鉴。 我国高校学生事务管理工作者要以更加开放的心态认真地研究国外高校学生事务管理的成功经验,要把我国高校学生事务管理置于国际化的大背景、大舞台来谋求发展、着眼超越。推进我国高校学生事务管理的创新发展,在管理理念上要树立生本理念和服务意识,促进大学生的全面发展和健康成长;在管理目标上要培养大批能够参与国际事务与国际竞争的国际化人才;在管理内容上要加强跨文化教育,不断地提高当代大学生的跨文化能力,拓展大学生的国际视野;在管理的手段上,要积极运用现代科学技术手段,促进学生事务管理的信息化、科学化发展。此外,还要切实加强对高校学生事务管理相关方面的理论研究,不断促进我国高校学生事务管理的专业化和学术化发展。
[Abstract]:As an organic part of higher education management, college student affairs management plays an irreplaceable role in safeguarding and supporting the healthy growth and development of college students, and it enhances the adaptability of college students. It plays an important role in developing college students' intelligence and promoting their moral growth. Therefore, to strengthen the management of college student affairs is an important task to train socialist builders and successors. Internationalization, as an objective historical process, is the realistic trend of today's world and the most distinctive feature of the 21 century. The development of internationalization not only gives a wider vision and more open character of student affairs management in colleges and universities, but also brings a series of severe challenges. "the stone of another mountain can attack the jade." European and American countries are the main birthplace of modern universities, they have the most developed higher education system in the world, and have always attached importance to the college student affairs management tradition. As the first region and country to experience globalization, especially the internationalization of higher education, the student affairs management of colleges and universities in Europe and America has accumulated rich experience in coping with and adapting to internationalization. In colleges and universities in Europe and America, they have established a sound and perfect student affairs management organization, formed a coordinated student management system, formulated a clear student management goal and a perfect legal system. It has formed a complete discipline system and perfect post professional standard, realized the professionalization and professional development of the management team, in addition, has always paid attention to the student as the center, emphasized the student's self-management and participated in the management. The successful experience of college student affairs management in European and American countries in adapting to and coping with the internationalization is a great enlightenment and useful reference for the developing and perfecting student affairs management in our country. The management of student affairs in colleges and universities in our country should study the successful experience of student affairs management in foreign universities with a more open mind, and put the management of student affairs in colleges and universities in our country under the background of internationalization and seek development on the big stage. Look beyond. To promote the innovative development of student affairs management in colleges and universities in China, we should set up the concept of life and service to promote the all-round development and healthy growth of college students. We should train a large number of international talents who can participate in international affairs and international competition, strengthen cross-cultural education in management content, constantly improve the cross-cultural ability of contemporary college students, and expand their international horizons. In the means of management, we should actively use modern scientific and technological means to promote the informationization and scientific development of student affairs management. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the theoretical research on the related aspects of student affairs management in colleges and universities, and promote the specialization and academic development of student affairs management in colleges and universities in China.


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4 马健生;滕s,




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