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发布时间:2018-04-29 06:11

  本文选题:社会服务职能 + 高师院校 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:进入到21世纪,知识、信息飞速膨胀,各种新技术,新发明层出不穷,国家和地区经济发展越来越依赖人才、依赖新知识、依赖新技术。而这些都与社会大系统中一个重要部分有关,那就是高校这个子系统。高校作为知识、信息、人才、高科技的集中地,其对国家和地区社会经济发展发挥着越来越大的推动作用。 在全国,1897年南洋公学师范院开创了我国师范教育先河;在广西,1908年广西高等学堂更名为广西优级师范学堂,以培养中学堂师资和初级师范师资,开创了广西最早的高等师范教育。经过百年发展,广西地区形成了今天比较完善的高等教育格局,高校为社会经济发展提供各项服务,在广西地区发展中扮演着重要角色。近年来随着国家开放和开发政策实施,广西地区发展逐步加速,其对人才和知识的需求也不断增加。广西高师院校是广西高等教育系统中不可缺失的一部分,与基础教育联系紧密,在人才培养方面有着特殊的地位。作为地方高师院校,其不仅要在传承、创新知识、培养人才’上做出贡献,还要为地区发展服务。这既是高等教育规律和其自身属性的必然要求,也是我国国情及其自身发展的需要。广西地区高师院校每年为自治区提供大量教师,同时也为自治区各领域经济发展输送了大量人才 本文以了解西方及我国高校社会服务职能的产生和发展历程为切入点,旨在对高校社会服务历史有一个基本的认识;再者则以广西师范大学为例分析了广西地区高师院校的社会服务发展历史,着重了解了广西地区的高师院校社会服务历史发展情况;再接着分析了广西高师院校开展社会服务动因和其主要社会服务形式,并对其存在的问题进行剖析,最后针对存在的问题提出了一些建议。全文共分为如下五个部分: 第一部分是绪论部分,主要阐明了本文的研究目的、意义、研究方法、理论基础,并对相关核心概念做出了界定。 第二部分是从东西方两个方面探究了大学社会服务职能的产生和发展历史,接着以广西师范大学为例分析了广西地区高师院校开展社会服务的历史。 第三部分从四个方面分析了广西高师院校开展社会服务职能的原因。 第四部分着重分析了广西高师院校开展社会服务的主要形式。 第五部分根据广西经济社会的发展需要和广西高师院校的社会服务形式及内容,分析了其中存在的各种问题和原因。 第六部分根据广西高师院校开展服务中存在的问题及原因进而提出了相关的改进建议。
[Abstract]:In the 21st century, with the rapid expansion of knowledge and information, various new technologies and new inventions emerge endlessly. The economic development of countries and regions is increasingly dependent on talents, new knowledge and new technologies. These are related to an important part of the social system, that is, the subsystem of colleges and universities. As a concentrated place of knowledge, information, talents and high technology, colleges and universities play a more and more important role in promoting the social and economic development of countries and regions. In the whole country, in 1897 Nanyang Public School of normal Education pioneered normal education in our country. In Guangxi, in 1908, the name of Guangxi higher School was changed to Guangxi excellent normal School in order to train middle school teachers and junior normal teachers. Created the earliest higher normal education in Guangxi. After a hundred years of development, Guangxi has formed a relatively perfect pattern of higher education today. Colleges and universities provide various services for the development of social economy and play an important role in the development of Guangxi. In recent years, with the implementation of the national opening and development policy, the development of Guangxi has been gradually accelerated, and the demand for talents and knowledge has been increasing. Guangxi normal University is an indispensable part of Guangxi higher education system, which is closely related to basic education and plays a special role in talent training. As a local normal college, it should not only contribute to the inheritance, innovation and training of talents, but also serve regional development. This is not only the inevitable requirement of the law of higher education and its own attribute, but also the need of our country's national conditions and its own development. Guangxi teachers colleges and universities provide a large number of teachers to the autonomous region every year, and also provide a large number of talents for the economic development of the autonomous region in various fields. This paper aims to have a basic understanding of the history of social service in colleges and universities through the understanding of the emergence and development of social service functions in western and Chinese universities. Furthermore, taking Guangxi normal University as an example, this paper analyzes the history of social service development of normal universities in Guangxi, and emphasizes on the historical development of social service in normal universities in Guangxi. Then it analyzes the motivation of social service and its main forms of social service in Guangxi teachers colleges and universities, and analyzes the existing problems, and finally puts forward some suggestions for the existing problems. The full text is divided into the following five parts: The first part is the introduction part, mainly expounds the purpose, significance, research method, theoretical basis of this paper, and defines the relevant core concepts. The second part probes into the history of the social service function of the university from the two aspects of east and west, and then takes Guangxi normal University as an example to analyze the history of the social service in the normal universities in Guangxi. The third part analyzes the reasons of the social service function in Guangxi normal universities from four aspects. The fourth part focuses on the analysis of the main forms of social service in Guangxi normal universities. In the fifth part, according to the needs of economic and social development in Guangxi and the form and content of social service in normal colleges of Guangxi, the author analyzes the problems and reasons. The sixth part puts forward some suggestions for improvement according to the problems and causes of service in Guangxi normal universities.


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3 刘哲;广西高校社会服务职能研究[D];湖南师范大学;2009年




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