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发布时间:2018-05-02 20:40

  本文选题:二十世纪 + 上半叶 ; 参考:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学是传播科学、促进科学发展不可或缺的重要一环,要实现科教兴国就需要科学技术的不断发展并大量具有创新能力的科学家,而要发展科学技术、要培养大批科学家就必须发展高等教育,必须不断对大学科学教育思想进行改革。 在我国近代教育史上,二十世纪上半叶是我国科学教育发展的一个重要时期。从二十世纪初至民国前期,中国大学的科学教育思想异常活跃,国内的一些先进的知识分子与留学归来的教育学者团结合作,在“科学救国”的思想指导下,纷纷对中国大学进行改革,承担起发展大学科学教育的重任,大力提倡科学精神的培养,具体实践科学教育内容,科学教育事业取得显著成绩。 中国19世纪60年代以前的古代高等教育,以培养“统治人才”为目的,直接为政治服务,教育的内容主要以强化政治、伦理、人文道德教育为主。受中国传统文化人文特性的影响,古代高等教育呈现出只重视人文社会学科、轻视自然学科的特点。1862年京师同文馆的建立,中国高等教育由古代转入近代,外国的入侵使洋务官员和先进的知识分子开始注重对科学人才的培养,出现了科学教育思想的萌芽。戊戌变法时期,以康有为等为代表的资产阶级改良主义者们改革科举,主张“开民智”,孕育了近代科学教育理论。 二十世纪初期,在“教育救国”思潮和西方近代大学科学教育思想传入中国的背景下,清朝晚期对教育进行改革,废除了科举制度,颁布了新学制,高等学堂的科学教育课程及教学都体现出了科学教育思想,这一阶段的科学教育处于探索阶段,为民国大学科学教育体系的最终形成奠定了坚实的基础。 1912年中华民国建立后,颁布了《大学令》等高等教育法规,确立了近代高等教育制度,壬戌学制的颁布说明了中国近代学制的定型和科学教育体系最终在条文上最终成型。教会大学的改革体现出了对科学教育的重视及科学教育思想的发展。五四新文化运动时期,随着“民主”和“科学”在中国的传播,国内兴起科学教育思潮,任鸿隽科学教育思想及北京大学的改革说明了大学科学教育思想的发展,展现了抗战前十年中国大学科学教育思想与科学教育情况。 二十世纪上半叶中国大学科学教育对社会发展的促进作用,分别体现在对科技进步的推动、涌现出了对社会有用的已大批优秀科学家、二十世纪初著名大学校长的科学教育思想、提高了全民科学索养几个方面。 当前中国大学科学教育存在科学教育与人文教育脱节、不正确的科学教育观影响我们的科学教育、大学科学教育功能单调导致饿了学生创造力不足等一些问题,从而有一些对当前中国大学科学教育发展的一些想法和启示:科学教育与人文教育相融合、政府应创造有利于科学教育发展的机制、大学科学教育中应处理好社会需求和个人需求的关系、大学应确立大学生科学素养的科学教育培养目标、大学科学教育的过程应该重视科学方法和科学精神。
[Abstract]:University is an indispensable part of science and the development of science. In order to realize science and education, the development of science and technology and a large number of scientists with innovative ability are needed. To develop science and technology, to develop a large number of scientists must develop higher education, and must continue to reform the thought of university science education.
In the history of modern education in China, the first half of the twentieth Century was an important period for the development of science education in China. From the early twentieth Century to the early period of the Republic of China, the scientific education thought of the Chinese University was very active. Some advanced intellectuals in China were in cooperation with the educator group returned by studying abroad. Under the guidance of "scientific saving the country", The reform of Chinese universities has been carried out in succession, the responsibility for the development of science education in University, the cultivation of scientific spirit, the concrete practice of the content of scientific education, and the remarkable achievements in the cause of science education.
The ancient higher education before the 1860s in China, aimed at cultivating the "ruling talents", served the political service directly. The main content of education was to strengthen political, ethical and humanistic moral education. Influenced by the cultural and humanistic characteristics of Chinese traditional culture, the ancient higher education showed the emphasis on the humanities and social disciplines and despised the natural discipline. In the period of.1862, the Chinese higher education was established in the same time. China's higher education was transferred from ancient times to modern times. Foreign invasion made Westernization officials and advanced intellectuals to pay attention to the cultivation of scientific talents. The idea of scientific education appeared. During the reform movement of 1898, the Reformists of bourgeois reformists, such as Kang Youwei and so on, reform the imperial examination. Zhang "enlightened the wisdom of the people" gave birth to the theory of modern science education.
In the early twentieth Century, under the background of "education saving the country" and the introduction of modern western university science education thought to China, the late Qing Dynasty reformed the education, abolished the imperial examination system and promulgated the new school system. The science education curriculum and teaching of the higher school all embodied the thought of science education, and the scientific education at this stage was in the exploration. The cable stage laid a solid foundation for the final formation of the science education system of the Republic of China.
After the establishment of the Republic of China in 1912, the regulations of higher education, such as "University order >" were promulgated, and modern higher education system was established. The promulgation of the school system of Nen Xu explained that the finalization and scientific education system of modern Chinese school system finally formed in the articles. During the period of the 54 new culture movement, with the spread of "democracy" and "science" in China, the rising trend of thought of science education in China, the idea of Hong Jun science education and the reform of Peking University showed the development of the thought of science education in University, and the situation of science education thought and science education in Chinese universities in the first ten years of the war of resistance.
In the first half of the twentieth Century, the promotion of science education to social development in the first half of the year was reflected in the promotion of scientific and technological progress, the emergence of a large number of excellent scientists who were useful to the society and the scientific education thought of the famous university principals in the early twentieth Century, which raised several aspects of scientific cultivation for the whole people.
At present, there is a disjunction between science education and Humanities Education in Chinese University Science Education. The incorrect view of science education affects our scientific education. The function of university science education is monotonous, which leads to some problems, such as lack of creativity of students, and some ideas and Enlightenment for the development of Science Education in Chinese Universities: Scientific Education With the integration of humanistic education, the government should create a mechanism conducive to the development of scientific education. The relationship between social needs and individual needs should be dealt with well in university science education. Universities should establish the goal of scientific education for college students. The process of university science education should pay more attention to scientific methods and scientific spirit.



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