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发布时间:2018-05-03 10:31

  本文选题:管理信息系统 + 试题 ; 参考:《中南林业科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文讨论了我国题库管理系统的历史沿革、研究现状与发展趋势,介绍了农林院校课程题库管理系统的研究思路、主要功能及开发过程各阶段的主要工作内容。 本研究构建了一个能对各种数据类型的试题进行管理的题库管理系统,它由6个子系统、4个题库模型表、16个基本数据表和每门课程4个题库表构成,实现了题库的高效、优质建设与维护;本文结合采用分层随机与自适应遗传算法实现高速、合理组卷,系统可选全自动、半自动和人工3种方式进行计算机抽题组卷;高速、自动生成由用户自行定义格式、内容和编辑工具的规范化纸质试卷打印文件;题库中的多媒体数据文件可以在题库维护、浏览和联机测试界面通过OLE技术使用相应的工具软件进行编辑或播放;题库的程序结构、数据结构设计充分考虑可维护性,能够很方便地应用于农林类可能含有图片、动画、音频等多媒体试题的课程的管理、组卷和联机测试工作。 本研究立足于解决实际问题,强调实用,研究工作按照应用软件系统开发的一般流程进行,分为项目定义(获取用户需求陈述、可行性研究、需求分析、数据库概念设计)、系统设计(概要设计、数据库逻辑设计、详细设计、数据库物理设计)、系统实现(编码、测试)及运行维护等四个阶段。
[Abstract]:This paper discusses the history, research status and development trend of the item bank management system in China, and introduces the research ideas, main functions and main work contents of the course question bank management system in agricultural and forestry colleges and universities. In this study, an item bank management system is constructed, which can manage all kinds of test questions. It is composed of 6 subsystems, 4 test database model tables, 16 basic data tables and 4 test database tables for each course. It realizes the high efficiency of the question bank. High quality construction and maintenance; this paper combines hierarchical random and adaptive genetic algorithm to achieve high speed, reasonable test paper formation, automatic system selection, semi-automatic and manual three methods for computer test paper extraction, high speed, high speed, high speed, high speed, high speed, high speed, high speed, high speed, high speed, Automatically generate a standardized paper paper print file with user-defined format, content and editing tools. The multimedia data files in the question bank can be maintained in the question bank. The browsing and on-line testing interface is edited or played by the corresponding tool software through OLE technology; the program structure and data structure design of the question bank fully consider maintainability, which can be easily applied to the agriculture and forestry classes, which may contain pictures, animations, etc. Audio and other multimedia questions of the course management, paper formation and online testing work. This research is based on solving practical problems, emphasizing practicality, the research work is carried out according to the general process of application software system development, which is divided into project definition (obtaining user requirement statement, feasibility study, requirement analysis, etc. Database concept design, system design (outline design, database logic design, detailed design, database physical design, system implementation (coding, testing) and operation and maintenance) are four stages.


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