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发布时间:2018-05-03 14:33

  本文选题:独立学院 + 绩效管理 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国的高校教师绩效评价初始于上个世纪50年代,起步相对较早,但在文革的影响下,一度停滞不前,直到文革后才得以恢复。此后的十年中,在国家教育教学体制改革的大力推动下,我国的高校教师评价工作取得了较快的发展,逐步实现由外延发展向内涵发展不断转型,这不仅对于全国的高校是一个发展的机遇,更是对于新形势办学理念下产生的独立学院而言,也是一次前所未有的挑战与机遇。因此,研究独立学院教师绩效评价体系的构建具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。 本文针对我国目前独立学院教师绩效评价的现状,重点围绕NK学院的教师进行客观绩效评价开展研究,对教师在教学工作、科研工作、人才培养、综合素质等多个角度上进行综合评价。在结构上共分为六章,其中,第一章是导论;第二章是教师绩效评价理论概述;第三章是NK学院教师绩效评价的现状分析;第四章是NK学院教师绩效评价体系的建立;第五章是NK学院教师绩效评价体系实施的保障措施;第六章是结论与展望。 本文在对NK学院现有的教师绩效评价体系的介绍下,运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法,建立出一套更为完善的适合NK学院开展实施的教师绩效评价体系。它一方面为该学院的人力资源管理的决策提供一定的信息支持,另一方面也为其他独立学院开展教师绩效评价提供了一定的借鉴作用。通过政府及社会提供的外部保障措施和学院提供的内部保障措施的双重保障,该教师绩效评价体系将得以顺利实施。
[Abstract]:The performance evaluation of college teachers in our country started relatively early in the 1950s, but under the influence of the Cultural Revolution, it stagnated for a time and was not recovered until after the Cultural Revolution. In the following ten years, under the impetus of the reform of the national education and teaching system, the evaluation of university teachers in our country has made rapid development, and gradually realized the transformation from the extension development to the connotation development. This is not only an opportunity for the development of colleges and universities in China, but also an unprecedented challenge and opportunity for independent colleges under the new situation. Therefore, it has important theoretical value and practical significance to study the construction of teacher performance evaluation system in independent colleges. In view of the present situation of teachers' performance evaluation in independent colleges in China, this paper focuses on the objective performance evaluation of teachers in NK colleges, and focuses on the teaching work, scientific research work and talent training of teachers. Comprehensive quality and other aspects of comprehensive evaluation. The structure is divided into six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, the second chapter is the overview of teacher performance evaluation theory, the third chapter is the analysis of the current situation of NK college teacher performance evaluation, the fourth chapter is the establishment of NK college teacher performance evaluation system. The fifth chapter is the guarantee measures of NK college teacher performance evaluation system, the sixth chapter is the conclusion and prospect. Based on the introduction of the existing teacher performance evaluation system in NK College, this paper establishes a set of more perfect teacher performance evaluation system suitable for the implementation of NK College by using analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. On the one hand, it provides some information support for the decision-making of human resource management, on the other hand, it also provides some reference for other independent colleges to carry out teacher performance evaluation. The performance evaluation system of teachers will be carried out smoothly through the double protection of the external safeguard provided by the government and the society and the internal safeguard provided by the college.


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