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发布时间:2018-05-03 22:09

  本文选题:高等教育 + 政策 ; 参考:《广西民族大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文旨在通过对老挝国内的大量文献,以及联合国教科文组织的相关资料的梳理和分析,力图真实反映老挝高等教育的社会经济环境、发展历程和特点、优点。在此基础上,结合其高等教育政策产生的缘由、追求、取得的成效和存在的不足,以期对我国西部地区及其他发展中国家的高等教育持续健康的发展提供启示。全文共分为五个部分。 第一部分主要是论述选题缘由,厘清相关概念,总结目前国内外对老挝高等教育政策的研究现状。 第二部分对老挝高等教育的发展历史与现状、不同时期的高等教育政策及内容作全景式的梳理与分析。 第三部分对关乎老挝高等教育发展的重大政策、里程碑事件或改革趋势进行重点解读。 第四部分总结和分析了老挝高等教育的五个显著特点。 第五部分根据对老挝高等教育政策的分析,,提出我国西部贫困地区在发展高等教育的过程中要加快私立高等教育的发展步伐、加强教师队伍建设、加强中外合作办学等举措。 论文的主要学术贡献在于,总结出老挝高等教育政策的特色之处及对我国西部贫困地区的启示,以期为国内学术界进一步研究老挝的高等教育政策做好一定的铺垫与参考。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to reflect the social and economic environment, the development process, the characteristics and the advantages of the higher education in Laos by combing and analyzing a large number of documents in Laos and the relevant information of the United Nations Educational and cultural organization. On this basis, it is based on the reasons, pursuit, achievements and shortcomings of the higher education policy. In order to provide inspiration for the sustained and healthy development of higher education in Western China and other developing countries, the paper is divided into five parts.
The first part is mainly about the reasons for choosing the topic, clarifying the relevant concepts, and summarizing the current research status of Laos higher education policy at home and abroad.
The second part makes a panoramic analysis and analysis of the history and current situation of the development of higher education in Laos, and the policies and contents of higher education in different periods.
The third part focuses on the major policies related to the development of higher education in Laos, the landmark events or the trend of reform.
The fourth part summarizes and analyzes five notable characteristics of Laos higher education.
The fifth part, based on the analysis of the higher education policy in Laos, puts forward that in the process of developing higher education in the poor areas of China, the development of private higher education should be accelerated, the construction of the teachers' team and the cooperation between China and foreign countries should be strengthened.
The main academic contribution of this paper is to summarize the characteristics of the Laos higher education policy and the enlightenment to the poor areas in the west of China, in order to make a certain paving and reference for further research on the higher education policy of Laos in the domestic academia.



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