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发布时间:2018-05-04 15:07

  本文选题:高校后勤 + 社会化改革 ; 参考:《河南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自1979年高校后勤社会化改革起步开始,已走过33个年头。期间在1999年召开的第一次全国高校后勤社会化改革工作会议,是全面拉开改革序幕的关键点。回顾以往的改革成绩,我们发现结果是喜忧参半。可喜的是经过30余年的后勤社会化运作与发展,其运行效率、保障能力和服务质量有了显著提高,为高等教育跨越式发展提供了有力的支撑。初步探索出的由计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨下的高校后勤运作之路,一定程度上缓解了制约高等教育发展的“瓶颈”问题,有力地促进了我国高等教育快速发展。 但收获成绩的同时,更深层的矛盾和冲突也日益凸显。尤其在入世后,我国社会改革步伐加快,原先的高校后勤管理“大锅饭”的思想在激烈的国际竞争形势中会备受冲击,教职员工和学生对后勤服务评价也每况愈下,认为高校后勤公益性缺失。高校后勤管理部门的解释是,一方面由于缺乏相应的政策保障,对后勤实体进行管理十分困难;另一方面由于缺乏相应的资金扶持,导致利润不足甚至赔本经营。双方的激辩愈演愈烈,改革之意再次被提上日程,但改革行动却愈发迟缓。似乎所有与后勤社会化改革相关的利益群体都没有从改革中获益,搁浅的改革行动不断暴露着后勤运作过程中矛盾和问题的所在,此时高校后勤社会化改革进入了“平台期”。激烈的国际竞争和现实的巨大压力迫使人们开始探索深化政府、社会、高校三者之间的关系,思考高校后勤社会化运作模式的前景如何。从20世纪80年代末至今,国内很多学者和高校后勤工作者分别从经济学、管理学等角度出发,提出在市场经济不断完善的外部环境影响下,高校后勤内在的经济属性也应有相应的变革和发展,这种变革和发展不仅要遵循教育规律、管理方法,还要坚持经济原则。因此,高校后勤必然走上社会化运作的道路。由此可知,高校后勤社会化运作不仅是改革发展的必然趋势和要求,也是社会经济规律的客观要求。 现如今,多种高校后勤社会化运作模式出现,如何因地制宜的选择最适合自身发展的模式,已经成为摆在高校和后勤面前的重点和难点。本文阐述了高校后勤社会化涉及的有关理论,从经济学角度和国外高校后勤有益经验两方面探讨高校后勤社会化运作模式;进而由运作模式入手,分别对多种模式的主导原则、基本内容及支撑条件进行深入分析;最后针对高校、政府、市场等相关责任主体,,阐述其应为后勤社会化深化与发展作出的努力和创造的条件,以期为建立具有中国高校特色的现代后勤体系和加强高校后勤服务管理等方面提供行之有效的对策,为高校后勤社会化运作提供些许参考价值。我们相信进一步推进并尽快完成高校后勤社会化改革,关系到我国高等教育改革与发展全局,具有重要而深远的意义。
[Abstract]:Since 1979, the reform of logistics socialization in colleges and universities started, has gone through 33 years. The first national conference on the socialization of university logistics was held in 1999, which was the key point of the reform. Looking back at past reform achievements, we found that the results were mixed. It is gratifying to note that after more than 30 years of socialized operation and development of logistics, its operational efficiency, security ability and service quality have been improved significantly, which has provided a strong support for the leap-forward development of higher education. The way of logistics operation in colleges and universities under the transition from planned economy system to market economy system has to some extent alleviated the "bottleneck" problem which restricts the development of higher education, and has promoted the rapid development of higher education in China. But the harvest achievement at the same time, deeper contradiction and conflict also increasingly prominent. Especially after China's entry into the WTO, the pace of social reform in our country has been quickened. The original thought of "big pot rice" in the logistics management of colleges and universities will be impacted by the fierce international competition, and the evaluation of logistics services by teaching staff and students will also go from bad to worse. It is believed that the lack of public welfare in colleges and universities. On the one hand, it is very difficult to manage the logistic entity because of the lack of corresponding policy guarantee; on the other hand, because of the lack of corresponding financial support, it leads to insufficient profits and even loss management. The debate has intensified, and reform has been on the agenda again, but it has been slow. It seems that all the interest groups related to the reform of logistics socialization have not benefited from the reform, and the stranded reform actions have exposed the contradictions and problems in the process of logistics operation. At this time, the reform of the socialization of logistics in colleges and universities has entered a "platform period". The intense international competition and the great pressure of reality force people to begin to explore the relationship among government, society and universities, and to think about the prospect of socialization operation mode of logistics in colleges and universities. From the late 1980s to the present, many domestic scholars and university logistics workers have put forward the influence of the market economy under the influence of the market economy from the angles of economics and management. The inherent economic attribute of logistics in colleges and universities should also be transformed and developed accordingly. This kind of reform and development should not only follow the law of education and management, but also adhere to the principle of economy. Therefore, the logistics of colleges and universities must take the road of socialization operation. Therefore, the socialization of university logistics is not only the inevitable trend and requirement of reform and development, but also the objective requirement of social and economic law. Nowadays, a variety of logistics socialization operation mode appears in colleges and universities. How to choose the most suitable mode for their own development according to local conditions has become the key and difficult point in front of universities and logistics. This paper expounds the relevant theories involved in the socialization of logistics in colleges and universities, probes into the operational mode of socialization of logistics in colleges and universities from the angle of economics and beneficial experiences of foreign universities, and then starts with the operation mode, and respectively leads to the principles of various modes. The basic contents and supporting conditions are analyzed in depth. Finally, aiming at universities, governments, markets and other related responsible subjects, the efforts and conditions that should be made and created for the deepening and development of logistics socialization are expounded. In order to establish the modern logistics system with the characteristics of Chinese colleges and universities and strengthen the logistics service management and other aspects of effective countermeasures for the socialization of university logistics to provide some reference value. We believe that further promoting and completing the socialization reform of university logistics as soon as possible is of great significance to the overall situation of the reform and development of higher education in China.


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