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发布时间:2018-05-04 20:50

  本文选题:高等职业教育 + 大学生 ; 参考:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:加强高职生现代职业价值观教育,对于促进高职生个体的全面协调可持续发展有重要的理论指导意义,对促进社会的和谐稳定发展有重大的实践价值。 高职生现代职业价值观的本质内涵是:以科教兴国为核心,以人的全面发展观为灵魂,以科学发展观为根本价值取向,以实现中国梦为最终价值追求。 我国高职生现代职业价值观教育的现状是:积累了以科学发展观为根本指导,以思想政治课程教学为主要形式,以职业理想教育为重要内容,以就业指导教育为主要依托这四条基本经验,还存在理念和行为较滞后,内容和方法较陈旧,手段和途径较单一的问题,因此需要改进。 我国高职生职业价值观教育有五大块内容:职业理想教育,“三观”教育,职业生涯规划教育,择业心理教育,职业素养教育。这五大块内容既需继承又需整合。 加强高职生现代职业价值观教育,必须以其现实特点为实践依据,以马克思主义人生观、职业观理论,国内思想政治教育原理与方法论以及国外职业价值观教育方法为理论指导。 优化高职生现代职业价值观教育的方法和途径主要有:加强针对性,创新职业教育方式;加强薄弱环节,强化实践教育;加强基础建设,优化职业环境教育。
[Abstract]:It is of great theoretical significance to strengthen the modern vocational value education for higher vocational students to promote the overall coordinated and sustainable development of higher vocational students, and it is of great practical value to promote the harmonious and stable development of society. The essential connotation of the modern vocational values of higher vocational students is: to invigorate the country with science and education as the core, to take the overall development concept of human beings as the soul, to take the scientific development view as the fundamental value orientation, and to realize Chinese Dream as the ultimate value pursuit. The present situation of modern vocational value education for higher vocational students in our country is as follows: the basic guidance of scientific development concept, the main form of ideological and political course teaching, and the important content of vocational ideal education. With the employment guidance education as the main reliance on these four basic experiences, there are still some problems, such as the lagging of ideas and behaviors, the obsolete contents and methods, and the single means and approaches, so it needs to be improved. There are five major contents in vocational value education of higher vocational students in China: vocational ideal education, "three views" education, career planning education, career psychological education and vocational literacy education. These five chunks of content need both inheritance and integration. To strengthen the education of modern vocational values of higher vocational students, we must take its practical characteristics as the practical basis, and take the Marxist outlook on life and the theory of vocational outlook as the basis. The principle and methodology of ideological and political education in China and the educational methods of vocational values abroad are the theoretical guidance. The ways and means to optimize the modern vocational value education of higher vocational students are as follows: strengthening the pertinence, innovating the way of vocational education, strengthening the weak link, strengthening the practical education, strengthening the basic construction, optimizing the vocational environment education.


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