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发布时间:2018-05-06 04:30

  本文选题:高等教育 + 教育营销 ; 参考:《华中农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育营销是市场营销理论与方法在高等教育管理实践中的应用。自20世纪70年代西方发达国家相关学者提出高等教育营销这一理念以来,高等教育营销作为非营利组织营销的重要组成部分,其理论研究和实践研究越来越受到国内学者的关注,但是已有研究成果中针对湖北省高等教育营销进行研究的文献非常少。湖北省是全国的高等教育规模大省,目前具有各级各类高等院校129所,但是在全国的高等教育综合竞争中存在大而不强的问题。在激烈的市场环境的竞争下,各级各类高等院校已经有意识的借鉴和运用营销理论来指导高校的改革和发展等实践活动,如何用有限的高等教育资源应对多重的高等教育资源需求,成为每一所高校生存和发展所要解决的重要问题。 因此,本文主要运用高等教育及市场营销的相关理论,采用调查法、文献法和案例分析法对湖北省生源市场、就业市场、高校形象塑造三个方面的营销实践活动进行概述,梳理和总结湖北省高等教育营销在高等教育招生、毕业生就业、高校形象塑造方面所采用的营销策略,并就高等教育营销过程中存在的主要问题进行分析,希望能为高等教育营销理论及实践研究提供一定的实证参考依据。 在生源市场教育营销方面,主要通过问卷调查对11所不同层次、不同类型高校的大一学生以及参加过招生咨询的管理人员,就学生对高等教育选择的情况;影响择校的因素及重要程度、招生宣传、咨询的过程、招生人员综合素质对学生择校影响的评判、招生咨询的效果及评价等现状进行分析,并在此基础上归纳出高校在生源市场上主要采取了产品策略、价格策略、人员促销策略以及广告策略,分析生源市场营销实践过程中存在的生源市场定位有待细化、招生宣传可信度不高、生源质量评价体系有待完善、宣传渠道有待拓宽等问题,从高校角色提出了几点对策和建议。 在就业市场的教育营销方面,由于高等院校、毕业生以及用人单位之间存着一种复杂的交换关系,高等院校的营销任务主要是如何适应市场环境的变化,向用人单位推荐符合市场需求产品载体的人才;营销的目的是提高学生的竞争力和学校自身的综合实力。从毕业生就业地区流向角度阐述了就业市场的需求现状,通过相关数据分析了就业市场的供给现状。对高校在就业市场上采取的产品营销策略、分销渠道策略、促销策略、服务营销等4Ps营销组合策略进行了归纳。在此基础上,从高校和毕业生的角度分析了就业市场营销存在的主要问题,并提出了相应的参考对策。 在高校形象塑造方面,高校形象是一种无形资产的观点已为社会公众所认同,本文从品牌营销的角度概述了湖北省高校形象塑造的几种主要途径,并结合湖北省高校形象塑造的实践,对三所高校的用特色景观传递校园文化、借用企业CIS战略建立高校形象识系统、善用名人效应打造高校形象等形象塑造案例进行简要分析,在此基础上分析了高校形象塑造及存在的主要问题,提出提高湖北省高校形象塑造的相关对策。
[Abstract]:Higher education marketing is the application of marketing theory and method in the practice of higher education management. Since the related scholars in western developed countries put forward the idea of higher education marketing in 1970s, the marketing of higher education as an important part of non-profit organization marketing, its theoretical research and practical research have become more and more domestic. Scholars have paid attention to it, but there are few literature on the research of higher education marketing in Hubei province. Hubei province is a large province of higher education in China, and there are 129 colleges and universities at all levels, but there are big and poor problems in the comprehensive competition of higher education in the country. In the fierce market environment, the competition is not strong. As a result, colleges and universities at all levels have consciously learned and used marketing theories to guide the reform and development of universities and other practical activities. How to use limited higher education resources to meet the needs of multiple higher education resources has become an important problem to be solved for the survival and development of every university.
Therefore, this article mainly uses the related theories of higher education and marketing, adopts the investigation method, the literature method and the case analysis method to summarize the marketing practice of the three aspects of the source market, the employment market and the image of the University in Hubei Province, combing and summarizing the higher education marketing in the higher education in Hubei Province, the graduates' employment and the University. The marketing strategy used in image shaping is analyzed, and the main problems in the process of higher education marketing are analyzed. It is hoped that it can provide a certain empirical reference for the research of higher education marketing theory and practice.
In the aspect of education and marketing in the source market, it is mainly through questionnaire survey on the 11 different levels, the students of different types of colleges and the managers who have participated in the admissions consultation, the situation of students' choice of higher education, the factors and the importance of influencing the school choosing, the process of enrollment publicity, the consultation process, and the comprehensive quality of the admissions personnel to the students. On the basis of the analysis of the evaluation of the influence of the school, the effect and the evaluation of the enrollment consultation, the paper concludes that the product strategy, the price strategy, the personnel promotion strategy and the advertising strategy are mainly adopted in the source market. The quality evaluation system of students should be improved, and publicity channels need to be broadened. Several countermeasures and suggestions are put forward from the role of universities.
In the aspect of education marketing in the employment market, the marketing task of colleges and universities is mainly to adapt to the changes in the market environment, and to recommend the personnel that meet the market demand. The purpose of marketing is to improve the competitiveness of the students. The present situation of the demand of the employment market is expounded from the direction of the employment area of the graduates. The supply situation of the employment market is analyzed through the related data. The 4Ps marketing strategies, such as product marketing strategy, distribution channel strategy, promotion strategy and service marketing, are summarized in the employment market. On this basis, from the perspective of universities and graduates, this paper analyzes the main problems existing in employment marketing, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures.
In the image shaping of colleges and universities, the view of the image of the university is a kind of intangible asset, which has been recognized by the public. From the point of view of brand marketing, this paper summarizes several main ways to shape the image of colleges and universities in Hubei Province, and combines the practice of the image of the University in Hubei province to transfer the campus culture with the characteristic landscape of the three universities and borrow the enterprise CIS. In this paper, a brief analysis is made on the establishment of the image recognition system in Colleges and universities, and a brief analysis of the image molding cases, such as the image of celebrities, and the image of colleges and universities. On this basis, this paper analyzes the main problems in the image shaping of universities and the existing problems, and puts forward some relevant countermeasures to improve the image molding of colleges and universities in Hubei.



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