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发布时间:2018-05-06 04:32

  本文选题:专业调整 + 高等学校 ; 参考:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着贵州省经济社会的快速发展、产业结构调整以及工业强省、城镇化带动战略的实施,省内高校专业建设和结构调整步伐已显滞后。高等院校专业调整与优化是提高高等教育质量的客观需要,也是贵州省经济社会发展的内在需要。在贵州省新的发展时期,如何进行高校专业调整以推动新一轮产业结构调整与人力资源的更新配置,实现高校专业结构与地方经济结构的有效对接和最优匹配,是贵州省高等教育发展面临的极为紧迫的任务之一。 本文主要采用文献资料法、调查访谈法和比较研究法,从历史演进的角度分析了贵州省高等教育专业设置现状、调整的特点及存在的问题,并通过借鉴上海市和广东省高校专业设置及调整的相关经验,提出促进贵州省高校专业调整的相关对策建议。本文主要研究结论如下: 1.贵州省高校专业发展是伴随着贵州省高等教育的发展而发展的,大体经历了初始起步期、恢复发展期、调整提高期、快速发展期和稳步发展期五个阶段。 2.贵州省高校专业建设上存在专业数量较少、专业层次结构有待提升、专业结构不够合理、专业特色不够鲜明等问题。 3.要通过加强对高校专业建设的认识,转变发展思路、创新体制、构建专业建设新体系、服务贵州省域经济社会发展需要,进一步优化专业设置等方面加强贵州省高校专业调整。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the economy and society of Guizhou province, the adjustment of industrial structure and the implementation of the strategy of promoting urbanization, the pace of professional construction and structural adjustment of colleges and universities in Guizhou province has lagged behind. The adjustment and optimization of specialty in colleges and universities is not only the objective need to improve the quality of higher education, but also the inherent need of the economic and social development of Guizhou Province. In the new development period of Guizhou Province, how to carry on the university specialized adjustment to promote the new round industrial structure adjustment and the human resources renewal disposition, realizes the university specialized structure and the local economic structure effective docking and the optimum match. Is the Guizhou Province higher education development faces extremely urgent Ren Wuzhi one. This article mainly uses the literature method, the investigation interview method and the comparative research method, from the historical evolution angle has analyzed the Guizhou Province higher education specialized establishment present situation, the adjustment characteristic and the existence question, Based on the experience of setting up and adjusting colleges and universities in Shanghai and Guangdong Province, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote the professional adjustment of colleges and universities in Guizhou Province. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1. With the development of higher education in Guizhou Province, the professional development of colleges and universities in Guizhou Province has undergone five stages: the initial starting period, the recovery development period, the adjustment and improvement period, the rapid development period and the steady development period. 2. There are some problems in the specialty construction in Guizhou Province, such as the small number of specialties, the need to improve the professional hierarchy, the unreasonable professional structure and the lack of distinctness in the specialty characteristics. 3. It is necessary to strengthen the professional adjustment of colleges and universities in Guizhou Province by strengthening the understanding of the specialty construction, changing the development ideas, innovating the system, constructing a new system of specialty construction, serving the needs of the economic and social development of Guizhou province, and further optimizing the specialty setting.


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