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发布时间:2018-05-06 05:37

  本文选题:高校 + 德育过程 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:百年大计,教育为本。千秋基业,德育为先。我国高校道德教育水平的提高是教育需要面对的重要课题。为深入贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作的意见》精神,我国加大了高校德育工作的改革力度,对于推进我国高校德育工作、提高大学生道德素质水平起到了明显的积极作用。近些年来诸多失德事件屡屡曝光,为我国高校德育工作敲响了警钟,这也反映出社会对高校德育工作的深刻担忧与期望。面对我国传统高校德育工作的中不足,许多专家学者对我国的学校德育进行极有深度的钻研,出版了一系列关于德育政策、价值、规律、内容等对于我国高校德育工作很有指导意义的科研成果。在某种程度上对促进我国高校德育工作起到一定的积极作用。 然而无论怎样变革,我国高校传统德育过程中总是存在高校德育目标与学生主体性地位脱节、高校德育内容与学生需求疏远、高校德育方法与学生理解无关、高校德育评价与学生实际背离等一系列问题,建构主义是西方教育理念中符合人的道德发展规律的理论学说,能够为我们吸取其精华并为我国高校德育的改革提供理论支撑与实践指导。将我国高校德育过程问题置于建构主义视野下进行探讨,反思我国德育目标、德育内容、德育方法、德育评价这一德育过程过程中存在的不足,笔者分析这些不足产生原因主要有高校教师对德育认识的不深刻、科学主义的消极影响、教育文化传统的急功近利、教育体制的不灵活、教师素质的专业性不够高。因此只有重视培养教师正确的德育观念;以学生道德可理解的方法科学设计、表达德育目标;以学生道德习得机制的要求合理组织、呈现德育内容;以学生贴近现实生活的标准恰当规划、安排德育形式;以学生整体全面结合的方式科学确定德育评价方式。才能走出高校德育过程的困境,实现高校德育水平的提高。
[Abstract]:Education is the foundation of a hundred-year plan. Moral education is the first. The improvement of the level of moral education in colleges and universities in China is an important subject to be faced with. In order to implement the spirit of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on further strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students, China has intensified the reform of moral education in colleges and universities, which has contributed to the promotion of moral education in colleges and universities in China. Improving the moral quality of college students has played an obvious positive role. In recent years, many incidents of moral loss have repeatedly exposed, which has sounded the alarm bell for moral education in colleges and universities in our country, which also reflects the deep worries and expectations of the society towards the moral education work in colleges and universities. Faced with the shortage of moral education in traditional colleges and universities in China, many experts and scholars have studied the moral education in our country in depth and published a series of moral education policies, values and laws. The content and so on have the guidance significance scientific research achievement to our country university moral education work. To some extent, it plays a positive role in promoting moral education in colleges and universities in China. However, no matter how it changes, there is always a disconnection between the goal of moral education in colleges and universities and the status of students' subjectivity in the process of traditional moral education in colleges and universities. The evaluation of moral education in colleges and universities deviates from students' reality. Constructivism is a theoretical theory in accordance with the law of human moral development in western educational concepts. It can help us absorb its essence and provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the reform of moral education in colleges and universities in China. This paper probes into the process of moral education in colleges and universities in China from the perspective of constructivism, and reflects on the shortcomings in the process of moral education, such as the goal, content, method and evaluation of moral education. The author analyzes the reasons for these deficiencies, such as the lack of profound understanding of moral education, the negative influence of scientism, the quick success and instant benefit of the educational cultural tradition, the inflexibility of the educational system, and the lack of professionalism of the teachers. Therefore, we should attach importance to the cultivation of teachers' correct concept of moral education, scientifically design and express the goal of moral education by means of students' moral comprehensibility, organize reasonably with the demands of students' moral acquisition mechanism, and present the contents of moral education. The proper planning and arrangement of moral education should be made according to the standard of students' approaching to real life, and the evaluation mode of moral education should be scientifically determined by the way of students' comprehensive integration. Only then can we get out of the dilemma of moral education in colleges and universities and improve the level of moral education in colleges and universities.


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