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发布时间:2018-05-07 04:06

  本文选题:系统论 + 研究生 ; 参考:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:系统论所具有的指导现实实践和其他学科建设的方法论意义,为我们运用系统论的相关理论来优化研究生思想政治理论课提供了可行性。系统论中关于系统优化的核心是实现整体的优化,实现系统整体的优化,则要在把握系统整体性原理的基础上深入的分析系统的构成,也就是要求我们深入分析系统的要素、系统的结构以及系统所面临的环境。研究生思想政治理论课是作为系统存在的,实现理论课系统的优化需要我们从其系统所固有的要素、结构以及环境三个方面来寻找优化的路径,以此来达到研究生思想政治理论课系统整体的优化。 本文在梳理了系统论以及研究生思想政治理论课的发展脉络之后,通过深入分析系统论中的要素原理、结构原理以及环境依存性原理,确立和分析了研究生思想政治理论课系统中存在的四个要素,即教育主体、教育客体、教育内容以及教育载体;确立了理论课系统结构中存在的教育主体通过载体将内容传递给客体,教育客体又通过载体将内容效果反馈给主体的系统结构模式;揭示了理论课系统所受到的社会环境的影响,学校环境的影响以及网络环境的影响。 在对研究生思想政治理论课系统分析的基础上,本文又从要素、结构以及环境的视角和方向上依次提出了理论课系统的优化路径。在要素优化中提出了通过队伍建设和制度保障来实现主体优化,通过课程设置和层次继承来实现内容优化,通过媒介创新和主客互动来实现载体优化,通过自我认知和外界教育来实现客体优化的路径。在结构优化上提出了四要素要适配和结合,明确教育主体与教育客体的关系,实现教育内容与教育载体的结合等优化途径。在环境优化上,提出了通过政治、经济和文化大环境的改善来实现社会环境的优化,通过利用校园制度建设和文化氛围的创建来改善校园环境,通过利用网络文化的引导和网络平台的建设来优化网络环境。最后揭示了通过把握要素优化是基础,结构优化是重点,环境优化是保障的有机关系来实现研究生思想政治理论课系统的整体优化。
[Abstract]:The systematic theory has the methodological significance of guiding the practical practice and the construction of other disciplines, which provides the feasibility for us to use the relevant theory of system theory to optimize the ideological and political theory course of postgraduates. In system theory, the core of system optimization is to realize the whole optimization, to realize the overall optimization of the system, to analyze the composition of the system on the basis of grasping the principle of system integrity, that is to say, to analyze the elements of the system in depth. The structure of the system and the environment it faces. The ideological and political theory course of graduate students exists as a system. To realize the optimization of the theory course system, we need to find the path of optimization from three aspects: the inherent elements, the structure and the environment of the system. In order to achieve the graduate ideological and political theory of the overall optimization of the course system. After combing the development of system theory and postgraduates' ideological and political theory, this paper analyzes the principle of elements, the principle of structure and the principle of environmental dependence in the theory of system. It establishes and analyzes the four elements in the course system of postgraduates' ideological and political theory, that is, the subject of education, the object of education, the content of education and the carrier of education. The system structure model of the educational subject in the theory course system structure is established, which transfers the content to the object through the carrier, and the educational object feedback the content effect to the subject through the carrier. The influence of the social environment, the school environment and the network environment on the theory course system is revealed. Based on the systematic analysis of the ideological and political theory course of postgraduates, this paper puts forward the optimization path of the theory course system from the angle of view and direction of the elements, structure and environment. In the element optimization, we put forward to realize the main body optimization through the team building and the system guarantee, to realize the content optimization through the curriculum setting and the hierarchy inheritance, to realize the carrier optimization through the media innovation and the subject-object interaction. To realize the path of object optimization through self-cognition and external education. In the aspect of structure optimization, four elements should be adapted and combined, the relationship between the subject of education and the object of education should be made clear, and the combination of educational content and carrier should be realized. In the aspect of environmental optimization, it is put forward to realize the optimization of social environment through the improvement of political, economic and cultural environment, and to improve the campus environment by using the construction of campus system and the creation of cultural atmosphere. The network environment is optimized by using the guidance of network culture and the construction of network platform. Finally, it is revealed that the overall optimization of graduate students' ideological and political theory course system can be realized by grasping the element optimization is the foundation, the structure optimization is the key point, and the environment optimization is the organic relation of the guarantee.


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