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发布时间:2018-05-08 21:52

  本文选题:河北省 + 应用型本科院校 ; 参考:《河北科技师范学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着高校招生规模的不断扩大及社会多元化体系的形成,辅导员在大学生思想政治教育和健康成长过程中的地位和作用越来越大。特别是在社会转型期所呈现出一系列问题,对大学生思想形成冲击的新形势下,加强辅导员队伍建设已引起各个应用性高校的普遍重视。但是,,由于各种主、客观原因,高校辅导员队伍建设问题仍处于逐步探索阶段。如何建设一支政治强、业务精、纪律严、作风正的辅导员队伍己成为社会各界日益关注的重要课题。 本研究在系统总结国内外已有研究成果的基础上,选取河北省10所应用型本科院校为研究对象,通过编制问卷、走访调查、统计分析等过程,系统研究了河北省应用型本科院校辅导员队伍建设现状。研究结果表明,河北省应用型本科院校辅导员队伍建设总体态势良好,有关政策正在逐步完善,并逐步建立起业务培训系统和工作保障机制。同时,本研究发现,河北省应用型本科院校辅导员队伍建设也存在辅导员岗位职责不尽明确、政策落实不尽到位、考核机制尚待完善以及队伍建设不够稳定等问题。为进一步加强河北省应用性本科院校辅导队伍建设,本研究借鉴国外高校辅导员队伍建设的经验,以及国内其它高校加强辅导员队伍建设的先进做法,基于马斯洛需求层次理论、赫茨伯格双因素理论以及公平理论、期望理论等,提出了思想高度重视、制度狠抓落实,以及进一步明确辅导员岗位职责、强化培养机制、完善培养体系、健全考核机制以及拓展辅导员自身发展平台等具体应对策略。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous expansion of college enrollment and the formation of a pluralistic social system, counselors play a more and more important role in the process of ideological and political education and healthy growth of college students. Especially under the new situation that a series of problems appear in the period of social transformation and impact on college students' thoughts, strengthening the construction of counselors has aroused the general attention of various applied colleges and universities. However, due to various subjective and objective reasons, the construction of college counselors is still in the stage of gradual exploration. How to build a strong political, professional, strict discipline, style of counselors has become an increasingly important issue of social concern. On the basis of systematically summarizing the existing research results at home and abroad, this study selects 10 applied undergraduate universities in Hebei Province as the research object, through compiling questionnaires, visiting surveys, statistical analysis and other processes. This paper systematically studies the current situation of counselors' construction in applied undergraduate colleges in Hebei Province. The results show that the overall situation of counselors in applied undergraduate colleges in Hebei Province is good, and the relevant policies are being gradually improved, and the business training system and job security mechanism are gradually established. At the same time, this study found that there are still some problems in the construction of counselors in applied undergraduate colleges in Hebei Province, such as the responsibilities of counselors' posts are not clear, the policies are not in place, the assessment mechanism remains to be perfected and the construction of the contingent is not stable enough. In order to further strengthen the construction of tutoring team in applied undergraduate colleges and universities in Hebei Province, this study draws lessons from the experience of foreign universities' counselors' team construction, and the advanced methods of strengthening counselors' team construction in other colleges and universities in China. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, Herzberg's two-factor theory, fairness theory, expectation theory, and so on, this paper puts forward some ideas, such as attaching great importance to the thought, emphasizing the implementation of the system, and further clarifying the responsibilities of the counselors, strengthening the training mechanism, and so on. Perfect the training system, perfect the examination mechanism and expand the development platform of counselors.


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