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发布时间:2018-05-09 03:31

  本文选题:高校 + 管理沟通 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会的进步,人类精神文明的发展,教育已经占据着越来越重要的地位,尤其是处于金字塔尖的高等教育。高校作为一个行政事业单位和专业学术研究交汇的特殊组织,在其日常管理运作中,人与人之间交流会产生大量的信息,这就意味着管理沟通在高校管理中起着一个尤为关键的作用。 如今,沟通像空气一般的存在,沟通无处不在,无时不有,世间处处皆沟通。而涉及到组织中,沟通则是一个永恒的话题。沟通不是独立存在的,而是贯穿于计划、组织、领导和控制之中。通用电气总裁杰克·沃尔顿说过:管理就是沟通,沟通,再沟通。良好、有效的信息传递是工作顺利开展的必要前提,管理处处是沟通,沟通无止境。而作为教学模式是一对一教学的艺术院校,极大的区别于其他以班级为单位授课的综合类高校,管理沟通更是重中之重,是一个绝对不可小觑的问题。 鉴于以上原因,本文以笔者工作单位沈阳音乐学院大连校区为背景,选取实际工作中遇到的管理沟通方面的三个案例为主要研究对象,从中列举和总结出校区建校以来出现的沟通管理的现状及其存在的主要问题,并通过研究现代管理沟通理论,结合沈阳音乐学院大连校区的实际情况,提出解决该院管理沟通机制中存在问题的对策和措施,对校区的发展有一定的现实意义。
[Abstract]:With the progress of society and the development of human spiritual civilization, education has occupied a more and more important position, especially higher education at the top of the pyramid. As a special organization of administrative institutions and specialized academic research, colleges and universities produce a large amount of information in their daily management operation. This means that management communication plays a particularly key role in the management of colleges and universities. Nowadays, communication exists like air. Communication is everywhere and everywhere. When it comes to organization, communication is an eternal topic. Communication is not independent, but runs through planning, organization, leadership and control. General Electric President Jack Walton said: management is communication, communication, and communication. Good, effective information transmission is a necessary prerequisite for the smooth development of the work, management everywhere is communication, communication endless. As the teaching mode is a one-to-one teaching art colleges and universities, greatly different from other classes as the unit of teaching comprehensive colleges and universities, management communication is the most important, is an absolute problem can not be underestimated. In view of the above reasons, this paper takes the Dalian Campus of Shenyang Conservatory of Music as the background, and selects three cases of management communication in the actual work as the main research object. This paper enumerates and summarizes the present situation and main problems of communication management since the establishment of the campus, and by studying the modern management communication theory, combining with the actual situation of Dalian campus of Shenyang Conservatory of Music, The countermeasures and measures to solve the problems in the management and communication mechanism of the college are of practical significance to the development of the campus.


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