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发布时间:2018-05-09 10:41

  本文选题:独立学院 + 教师绩效管理 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:独立学院是近10多年来中国高等教育办学体制改革创新的重要成果,为发展民办高等教育事业、促进高等教育大众化做出了积极贡献。但是近年来教育部提出的关于独立学院的改革的“三条出路”方案,给广大独立学院管理者敲响了警钟,出于对独立学院发展战略的考虑,独立学院的绩效管理改革工作被推向了前沿,关于绩效改革的种种探讨不断呈现。 本文从优化独立学院传统绩效管理的角度出发,运用平衡计分卡理论等先进管理思想和方法,设计出基于平衡计分卡理论的G学院教师绩效管理指标体系。本文在结构上共分五章。其中,第一章为导论;第二章为绩效管理及平衡计分卡理论概述;第三章为G学院教师绩效管理的现状分析;第四章为基于平衡计分卡理论的G学院教师绩效指标的构建,实施和保障;第五章为结论与展望。 文章重点分析了G学院现有绩效管理体系的不足之处,并以平衡计分卡的管理思想为指导设计出G学院绩效管理指标体系。指标的构建主要从平衡计分卡的顾客维度、内部流程维度、学习与成长维度和财务维度等四个方面展开讨论,并经过模拟运行实证了这个指标体系的科学性。此指标体系是从G学院长远的发展战略出发,在公正公平的原则指导下,以实现学院和教师个人发展双赢为目地的基础上构建和完成的。既包含了出于战略考虑的战略管理,也包含着以人为本的人本主义思想,是对独立学院教师绩效管理的一大创新之举,对其他独立学院的绩效管理改革也有着借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:Independent college is an important achievement in the reform and innovation of higher education system in China in the past 10 years, which has made positive contribution to the development of private higher education and the popularization of higher education. However, in recent years, the "three ways out" program on the reform of independent colleges put forward by the Ministry of Education has sounded the alarm bell for the majority of independent college managers, out of consideration of the development strategy of independent colleges. The reform of performance management in independent colleges has been pushed to the forefront. From the point of view of optimizing the traditional performance management of independent colleges and using advanced management ideas and methods such as balanced scorecard theory, this paper designs a performance management index system of G college teachers based on balanced scorecard theory. The structure of this paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction; the second chapter is the overview of performance management and balanced scorecard theory; the third chapter is the analysis of the current situation of G college teachers' performance management; the fourth chapter is the construction of G college teachers' performance indicators based on balanced scorecard theory. The fifth chapter is the conclusion and prospect. This paper focuses on the analysis of the shortcomings of the existing performance management system in G College, and designs the performance management index system of G College under the guidance of the management idea of balanced Scorecard. The construction of the index is mainly discussed from four aspects: customer dimension, internal process dimension, learning and growth dimension and financial dimension. This index system is constructed and completed on the basis of the long-term development strategy of the College of G, under the guidance of the principle of justice and equity, and taking the win-win development of the college and the teachers as the goal. It contains not only strategic management out of strategic considerations, but also humanism, which is a great innovation to the performance management of teachers in independent colleges, and also has reference significance to the reform of performance management in other independent colleges.


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