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发布时间:2018-05-09 15:34

  本文选题:服务型政府 + 大学生创业 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文首先回顾了大学生创业的背景,即自1999年高校扩招以来,毕业生数量逐年增加,就业的问题变得日益严峻和突出。在供大于求的就业形势下,创业开始逐渐成为许多毕业生的选择,但是大学生创业的发展并非一帆风顺。上海对外贸易学院团委曾就上海市大学生创业的现状、意愿和遇到的问题等情况进行了调研,主要集中反映了大学生当前的三个迫切的需求: 1、大学生创业者对经济形势的总体把握和创业行动的切入点比较迷茫,需要政府对他们的创业行动提供宏观上的指导。 2、对于目前政府提供的创业支持政策与服务,大学生创业者普遍认为同质化,希望得到针对不同创业者群体提供的更为细致的支持与服务。 3、大学生企业在创立之后,希望在后续的发展过程中,能够得到进一步的支持。 结合上述调查中所反映的需求与2004年以来我国政府所提出的构建服务型政府的理念,政府需要在充分了解政府服务对象当前需求的前提下,进行公共服务实践。服务型政府的理念和理想只有通过创新和创造才能变为现实,通过倾听公民的需求,提供解决方案,才能在行政管理体制改革和政府自身建设方面取得进一步的突破。根据调查结果与对当前政府对大学生创业中的政策支持进行考察,本文认为当前政府公共服务主要在三个方面存在不足: 1、创业者需要与政府沟通对话,但当前政府对公共需求倾听不足 2、创业者的需求是差异化与精细化的服务,政府的服务水平有待提升 3、创业完成后需要进一步的支持,政府缺乏战略性的思考 为此,本文主要采用的研究方法是结合新公共服务理论,引入电子政务中的“客户关系管理”技术,收集2009年2月1日到2012年05月31日为止的所有上海市工商局登记的大学生“零首付”创业企业的注册登记数据,进行了定量分析,为政府服务对策提供参考。本文的观点认为,客户关系管理主要可以从三个方面为政府服务提供支持: 1、客户关系管理为服务型政府获取公共需求提供了借鉴 2、客户关系管理为服务型政府更好地服务公民提供了技术方案 3、客户关系管理为服务型政府如何战略性思考提供了支持 最后,本文提出的解决思路是: 1、为了解决创业者的行业切入点的问题,本文通过Apriori模型对企业行业关联性进行分析,对比本市发布的行业投入产出表,以确定当前行业关联的合理与不合理之处,,从而对创业行动提供宏观上的指导。 2、对于精细化与差异化服务问题,本文通过分类或聚类模型对企业进行类别划分,再依据企业的不同类型进行观察,并给出针对不同类型企业的差异化服务建议。 3、对于政府的战略性思考不足的问题,通过贝叶斯网络等模型对企业状态进行分类预测,对符合预测分类的大学生创业者给出预警。通过异常点分析,找出值得重点关注的企业。 基于新公共服务理论,政府应倾听大学生创业者的需求,才能提供对应的服务,而客户关系管理是提供更好的服务的一种手段。从本文的实践来看,客户关系管理为解决上述问题提供了一定的支持,为服务型政府转型提供了一定借鉴意义,为更好的服务大学生创业者提供了一些具体的建议。
[Abstract]:This paper first reviews the background of College Students' entrepreneurship, that is, since the expansion of college enrollment in 1999, the number of graduates has increased year by year, and the problem of employment has become increasingly severe and prominent. In the situation of more than demand for employment, entrepreneurship has gradually become a choice for many graduates, but the development of College Students' entrepreneurship is not smooth. Shanghai's foreign trade is not smooth. The College League Committee has conducted a survey on the current situation of college students in Shanghai, the will and the problems encountered, which mainly reflects the three urgent needs of the university students.
1, the overall grasp of the economic situation and the starting point of the entrepreneurial action are more and more confused by the entrepreneurs, and the government needs the government to provide macro guidance to their entrepreneurial actions.
2, for the current government support policies and services, college students are generally considered homogeneity, hoping to get more detailed support and services for different entrepreneurs.
3, after the establishment of university enterprise, we hope that we can get further support in the subsequent development process.
In combination with the requirements reflected in the above investigation and the idea of building a service-oriented government proposed by our government since 2004, the government needs to carry out public service practice under the premise of fully understanding the current needs of the government's service objects. The concept and ideal of the service-oriented government can be changed into reality only through innovation and creation, by listening to public. In order to meet the needs of the people and provide solutions, we can make further breakthroughs in the reform of the administrative system and the construction of the government itself. According to the results of the investigation and the policy support of the current government to the university students' entrepreneurship, this paper holds that the current government public service is mainly inadequate in three aspects:
1, entrepreneurs need to talk to the government, but the government is not listening enough to public needs.
2, the needs of entrepreneurs are differentiated and refined services, and the level of government services needs to be improved.
3, further support is needed after the completion of the venture. The government lacks strategic thinking.
Therefore, the main research method is to combine the new public service theory and introduce the "customer relationship management" technology in e-government, and collect the registration data of the "zero down payment" enterprise registered by all Shanghai Municipal Industry and Commerce bureaus from February 1, 2009 to 31 of 2012, and make a quantitative analysis for the government. This paper argues that CRM can provide support for government services from three aspects:
1, customer relationship management (CRM) provides a reference for a service-oriented government to obtain public demand.
2, customer relationship management provides technical solutions for service-oriented government to better serve citizens.
3, customer relationship management provides support for a service-oriented government in strategic thinking.
Finally, the solutions proposed in this paper are as follows:
1, in order to solve the business breakthrough point of the entrepreneur, this paper analyzes the enterprise industry association through the Apriori model, compares the industry input-output table published in this city, in order to determine the rationality and unreasonable of the current industry association, so as to provide macro guidance to the entrepreneurial action.
2, for fine and differentiated services, this paper divides enterprises into categories by classifying or clustering models, and then according to different types of enterprises, and gives suggestions for different types of services for different types of enterprises.
3, for the problem of the lack of strategic thinking of the government, the model of the Bayesian network is used to classify the state of the enterprise and predict the state of the enterprise, and give early warning to the entrepreneur who is in accordance with the forecast classification.
Based on the new public service theory, the government should listen to the needs of the university student entrepreneurs to provide the corresponding service, and the customer relationship management is a means to provide better service. From the practice of this article, the customer relationship management provides a certain support to solve the above problems, and provides some reference for the transformation of the service type government. Righteousness provides some concrete suggestions for better service of College Students' entrepreneurs.



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