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发布时间:2018-05-10 21:18

  本文选题:美国 + 社区学校 ; 参考:《福建师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教育寄托着民族的希望,关系着国家的未来。发展教育是稳定社会、促进发展、增强国力的必由之路。基础教育在整个教育过程中起着至关重要的作用。但是随着基础教育改革的浪潮不断涌现,各国的公立学校逐步呈现出一系列问题,比如教育资源分配不均、学生辍学率上升、学校周转资金不足、学校管理存在缺陷、教师队伍质量不高、课程设置不合理等情况导致基础教育质量严重低下,公立学校面临的压力越来越大。而社区学校作为一种新的教育模式随着时代的发展应运而生,这能在一定程度上缓解此种危机,其主要是为社区和学校服务,受到了世界各国的充分肯定。 美国的社区学校最早兴起于19世纪80年代,而后世界各国的社区学校相继发展起来。但是在发展过程中还存在着许多问题。本研究主要是对美国社区学校的历史发展和现状改革展开介绍,分析美国社区学校的发展特点,借鉴其发展经验,分析我国社区学校存在的问题,比如:合作动机较弱;师资队伍匮乏;办学经费不足;教育资源有限等,并针对这些问题提出对策建议。
[Abstract]:Education depends on the hope of the nation and relates to the future of the country. Developing education is the only way to stabilize society, promote development and enhance national strength. Basic education plays a vital role in the whole process of education. However, with the tide of basic education reform emerging, the public schools in various countries gradually present a series of problems, such as the uneven distribution of educational resources, the rising dropout rate of students, the shortage of school working capital, and the defects in school management. The quality of teachers is not high and the curriculum is unreasonable, which leads to the low quality of basic education and the increasing pressure on public schools. As a new mode of education, community schools emerge as the times require, which can alleviate the crisis to a certain extent, which is mainly for the community and school services, has been fully affirmed by the world. Community schools in the United States first rose in the 1980 s, and then developed in succession around the world. However, there are still many problems in the process of development. This research mainly introduces the historical development and current situation reform of American community schools, analyzes the development characteristics of American community schools, draws lessons from their development experiences, and analyzes the problems existing in our country's community schools, such as: weak motivation for cooperation; The shortage of teachers, the shortage of school funds, the limited resources of education, and so on, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for these problems.


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