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发布时间:2018-05-11 01:26

  本文选题:校园信息化建设 + 云存储 ; 参考:《天津科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校信息化建设从20世纪90年代开始,已经从最初的教学科研、信息管理为主体的网络应用环境逐步发展为如今的多元化校园网络,这对校园网运行的稳定性、可靠性和交互性等均提出了更高要求。另一方面,在高校信息化建设初期,各院系部门建立了自己的专用网络,由于开发平台不同、缺乏统一规划,产生了校园内的“信息孤岛”。数据信息的重复建设、服务器利用率低下等问题使得原本有限的IT资源变得更为捉襟见肘。云存储技术的快速发展为解决高校信息化推进中产生的这一问题提供了契机,也成为存储领域的一个热点。本文研究如何将云存储技术应用于高校信息化发展,旨在对校园信息化服务的需求调研的基础上,设计一个面向校内用户开放的基于HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System)的云存储平台,作为云存储技术应用在校园信息化服务中的探索和尝试。在对云存储的理论和技术分析的基础上,结合高校数字资源存储的特点,构建一个成本低廉、适用性强、安全可靠的分布式信息资源整合解决方案。使用面向接口的编程方法实现上层应用对基础管理层的调用,并展示系统主要功能的运行效果。通过系统实现的结果和性能对比测试可知:该平台的使用可以充分利用学校已有的各种存储资源和服务器资源,提高校园网对各类资源的整合效果;与现有其它存储方案相比较,本系统表现出更为优良的存储和数据传输性能。云存储空间的搭建,可以为教职员工和学生提供更为可靠的网络存储和资源共享等服务,在促进数字校园的发展的同时,为未来校园云计算服务做了铺垫。
[Abstract]:Since the 1990s, the information construction of colleges and universities has gradually developed from the initial network application environment of teaching and scientific research and information management to the diversified campus network, which is stable for the operation of campus network. Reliability and interactivity are higher requirements. On the other hand, in the early stage of information construction in colleges and universities, each department has established its own special network. Because of the different development platform and the lack of unified planning, the "information island" in the campus has emerged. The repeated construction of data information and the low utilization of servers make the limited IT resources become more and more difficult. The rapid development of cloud storage technology provides an opportunity to solve this problem in the promotion of information technology in colleges and universities, and has also become a hot spot in the field of storage. This paper studies how to apply cloud storage technology to the development of information technology in colleges and universities, aiming at designing a cloud storage platform based on HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System), which is open to campus users on the basis of investigating the demand of campus information service. As a cloud storage technology application in campus information service exploration and attempt. Based on the theoretical and technical analysis of cloud storage and the characteristics of digital resource storage in colleges and universities, a low cost, strong applicability, safe and reliable solution for the integration of distributed information resources is constructed. The interface oriented programming method is used to realize the transfer of the upper application to the basic management layer, and to show the running effect of the main functions of the system. The results of system implementation and performance comparison test show that: the use of this platform can make full use of all kinds of storage resources and server resources, and improve the integration effect of campus network to all kinds of resources; Compared with other storage schemes, the system has better storage and data transmission performance. The construction of cloud storage space can provide more reliable network storage and resource sharing services for faculty and students. It can promote the development of digital campus and pave the way for the future campus cloud computing services.


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