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发布时间:2018-05-11 04:16

  本文选题:高等农业教育 + 中外合作办学 ; 参考:《福建农林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着高等教育国际化的不断推进,中外合作办学作为一种新的办学形式快速发展。高校的人才培养创新、师资队伍建设、重点学科建设等各个方面无不呈现出国际合作与交流的趋势。本研究以福建省重点建设高校福建农林大学为例,从理论与实践相结合的视角,研究地方性高校开展中外合作办学的实现路径。 论文主要由以下几个方面构成:第一,中外合作办学的背景、基本概念和现实意义。第二,福建农林大学中外合作办学的案例研究,阐述其合作办学背景、发展过程、办学模式、办学特色,总结合作办学的成效和经验,,并分析了存在的问题。第三,探讨福建农林大学中外合作办学的发展策略,包括发展目标、遵循原则、发展路径以及保障措施。 本研究认为,近十年来,福建农林大学通过开展中外合作办学积极推进教育国际化战略,并取得了一定的成果,但在实践过程中也暴露出宏观、微观层面的一些问题。遵循高等教育国际化的经验,立足福建农林大学的现实和建设国内一流水平农林大学的目标,在进一步推进中外合作办学方面,应积极采取拓展和提升中外合作办学项目、开展国际通识教育课程项目、发挥闽台闽港合作的优势、努力创办中外合作办学机构等应对措施,并要从国际化理念教育、人才队伍建设、科学研究合作、校园服务体系建设等方面提供保障措施。 本研究将有助于高校提高对开展中外合作办学的认识,进而推动高等教育国际化的实践,也将为福建农林大学的中外合作办学和高等教育国际化实践提供经验借鉴和决策参考。
[Abstract]:With the development of internationalization of higher education, Sino-foreign cooperative education is developing rapidly as a new form of running a school. There is a trend of international cooperation and exchange in all aspects of talent training and innovation, teachers' team construction and key discipline construction in colleges and universities. This study takes Fujian agricultural and forestry universities as an example and studies the ways to realize Sino-foreign cooperation in local colleges and universities from the perspective of combining theory with practice. The paper is composed of the following aspects: first, the background, basic concept and practical significance of Sino-foreign cooperation. Second, the case study of Sino-foreign cooperation in running a school in Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University, expounds its background, development process, mode and characteristics of running a school, sums up the effectiveness and experience of the cooperation in running a school, and analyzes the existing problems. Thirdly, the development strategy of Sino-foreign cooperation in running a school in Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University is discussed, including the development goal, the principle, the development path and the safeguard measures. In the past ten years, Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University actively promoted the strategy of internationalization of education through the development of Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools, and achieved certain results, but in the process of practice, some problems at the macro and micro levels were also exposed. Following the experience of internationalization of higher education, and based on the reality of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University and the goal of building a first-class agricultural and forestry university in China, we should actively take measures to expand and upgrade Sino-foreign cooperative school-running projects in the further promotion of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools. To develop the international general education curriculum project, bring into play the advantages of Fujian, Taiwan, Fujian and Hong Kong cooperation, strive to establish Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools and other countermeasures, and from the international concept of education, talent team building, scientific research cooperation, Campus service system construction and other aspects to provide protection measures. This study will help colleges and universities to improve their understanding of the development of Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools, and then promote the practice of internationalization of higher education. It will also provide experience and decision-making reference for Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools and internationalization of higher education in Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University.


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