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发布时间:2018-05-11 06:29

  本文选题:大学生 + 生命教育 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:生命教育是近年来较为关注的话题之一。教育的开展离不开载体的作用。生命教育载体指的是教育者帮助学生认识生命、敬畏生命、珍惜生命、热爱生命,寻找人生意义,提升生命价值的一切方法、途径、平台、渠道的系统的总和。它主要有以下几种类型:以生命教育课程和学科渗透为基本形式的课堂载体;以学校的基础设施建设、校风建设和校园社团活动形式为主的校园文化活动载体;涵盖了关注物质生命和关注精神生命两种形式的社会实践载体、最新兴起也是越来越受关注、主要包括网络课堂、专题网站和网络论坛三种形式的网络载体和环境载体。 通过不同的载体的运用,大学生生命教育已经取得部分积极的成效,如:环境载体的竞争性提高大学生改变自身的积极性,许多大学生通过管理自己和自我调节,保持乐观自信、主动进取,充分感受自己存在的价值和意义,并将个人价值充分的展示,积极适应社会环境的竞争;校园文化载体促进大学生强调自身发展,通过参与团组织、党组织活动、节日活动、纪念日活动、仪式教育、学生社团活动等校园活动,开展生命教育,许多学生感悟生命的价值;网络载体使大学生通过网络方式接受生命教育内容的比率不断增加,选择在网上直接接触、参与、感知外部世界,充实精神生活。但是随着社会的转型,也有部分大学生对生命自身以及意义、价值迷茫、困惑甚至是错误的理解,大学生生命教育载体也出现了诸多不可忽视的问题:课堂载体生动性缺乏,大学生责任意识弱、环境载体物欲氛围浓重带来“生命为物质消费而准备”的冲击、网络载体与现实的冲突衍生出意义虚无主义等,这与课堂载体与校园文化载体缺乏有效互通、课堂载体与网络载体缺乏优势互补、课堂载体与实践载体缺乏有机结合等各种载体的不完善和利用联系度低有很大的关系。 为此,我们应该正确选择大学生生命教育载体运用的路径,通过发挥课堂载体的基本作用,倡导尊重生命自然规律,将生命教育与美学教育相结合,正视死亡教育并注重教师专业素养的提升;同时,重视网络载体和校园文化载体,促进大学生生命意识之觉醒,培育大学生思考人生价值的辩证思维方法并较好利用网络载体;另外,强调实践载体和环境载体的辅助作用,充分利用社会基地、社区等社会资源为实践提供条件并完善生命教育法律法规,营造注重精神生活的环境。同时,在载体运用过程用,运用者要坚持以下原则:教师在课堂载体运用中坚持生活性与专业性统一的原则;学校在校园文化载体运用中坚持针对性与多样性统一原则;社会媒体在环境载体运用中坚持引导性与有效性统一原则,使载体的有效运用对大学生生命教育完整、有序、深入地进行以及大学生的身心和谐发展起到促进作用。
[Abstract]:Life education is one of the more concerned topics in recent years. The development of education can not be separated from the role of carriers. The carrier of life education is the sum of all methods, ways, platforms and channels that educators help students understand life, fear life, cherish life, love life, find the meaning of life and enhance the value of life. It has the following types: life education curriculum and subject permeation as the basic form of classroom carrier, school infrastructure construction, school spirit construction and campus community activities as the main form of campus cultural activities carrier; It covers the two forms of social practice carrier of concern for material life and spiritual life. The latest rise is also more and more concerned, mainly including the network classroom, special website and network forum three forms of network carrier and environmental carrier. Through the use of different carriers, college students' life education has achieved some positive results, such as: the competitiveness of environmental carriers to improve the enthusiasm of college students to change their own, many college students through management and self-regulation, Keep optimistic and confident, take the initiative to make progress, fully feel the value and significance of one's own existence, and fully display one's personal value, and actively adapt to the competition in the social environment; the carrier of campus culture promotes college students to emphasize their own development, and through participating in the League organization, Party organization activities, festivals, anniversaries, ritual education, student community activities and other campus activities, life education, many students realize the value of life; The network carrier makes college students accept the life education content through the network way the rate increases unceasingly, chooses in the net direct contact, participates, perceives the outside world, enriches the spiritual life. However, with the transformation of society, there are some college students to life itself and meaning, value confusion, confusion or even wrong understanding, college students life education carrier has also appeared many problems that can not be ignored: lack of classroom carrier vitality, College students' sense of responsibility is weak, the environment carrier material desire atmosphere brings the shock of "life prepares for material consumption", and the conflict between network carrier and reality gives rise to nihilism of meaning, etc. This is related to the lack of effective communication between classroom carrier and campus culture carrier, the lack of complementary advantages between classroom carrier and network carrier, the lack of organic combination of classroom carrier and practical carrier, etc. Therefore, we should correctly choose the way to use the carrier of college students' life education, through exerting the basic function of classroom carrier, advocating respecting the natural laws of life and combining life education with aesthetic education. At the same time, we should pay attention to the network carrier and campus culture carrier, promote the awakening of college students' life consciousness, cultivate the dialectical thinking method of thinking about life value of college students and make good use of the network carrier. In addition, it emphasizes the auxiliary function of the carrier of practice and the carrier of environment, and makes full use of social resources such as social base and community to provide conditions for practice and perfect the laws and regulations of life education, so as to create an environment that pays attention to spiritual life. At the same time, in the process of using the carrier, the user should adhere to the following principles: teachers adhere to the unity of life and professionalism in the use of classroom carriers, schools adhere to the unity of pertinence and diversity in the use of the carrier of campus culture; In the application of environmental media, social media adhere to the principle of guidance and effectiveness, so that the effective use of the carrier for college students' life education integrity, orderly, in-depth and the harmonious development of college students' body and mind play a role in promoting.


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