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发布时间:2018-05-11 12:15

  本文选题:沿海地区 + 农村女大学生 ; 参考:《黑龙江省社会科学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:恋爱、婚姻不仅是一种个体行为,同时作为一种社会现象,势必会受到一定社会历史、文化的制约,使之带有一定的社会性与时代性,不同的时代有不同的婚恋观。在现代社会文化体系中,随着经济社会发展和政治改革的深入,日趋多元的价值观念对中国传统的社会文化价值观产生了剧烈冲击,大学生的婚恋观念日趋多元,而农村女大学生作为一个较为特殊的群体,在婚恋观念方面的变化更加值得探究和分析。根据近几年的调查以及文献显示,,沿海地区农村女大学生的恋爱观念正在逐步发生改变,出现一些妨碍自身及社会发展的因素,导致部分农村女大学生的恋爱观念发生扭曲,但是主流仍然是沿着正确的方向发展的。在家庭、学校、社会的共同引导下,沿海地区农村女大学生的婚恋问题会及时得到有效解决并且不断向积极方向发展。 本文以农村女大学生为研究对象,试图从恋爱、婚姻的基本情况、主要特点和存在问题等几个方面,对农村女大学生的婚恋观作比较全面的调查和分析。并总结出规律性的价值判断,从而较为系统地研究当前农村女大学生的婚恋现状,而且还有助于从观察农村女大学生的价值取向、社会心态的角度,寻找引导和教育农村女大学生树立正确的婚恋观、科学的人生观的方法和途径。 农村女大学生从在农村生活受到朴实文化的影响后再转而进入城市受到其文化的浸染与熏陶,使他们的婚恋观念发生了巨大的转变,并同时打上了城市文化婚恋观的印记,但又由于一些传统落后及不健康的婚姻观念本来就根深蒂固无法抹去,所以我们更有必要也有责任去对农村女大学生的婚恋观加以引导和帮助,让她们尽量避免在现在或将来的婚姻家庭冲突中受到伤害造成悲剧,让她们能更好认识到自身与婚姻家庭的责任和可享受的权利。在本文中,通过对她们婚恋观影响因素的数据分析,从而得出了有效的政策启示:首先,在生活中甚至在学校中应该大力弘扬性别平等的观念,加强进行完善的性别文化建设,从而来帮助更多农村女大学生树立自尊、自信、自立、自强的意识,摆脱落后的“男主女从”的传统性别观念,树立她们个体平等的思想,对美好、健康的爱情与婚姻的追求。其二、为农村女大学生提供良好的家庭和社会环境,使她们获得家人的正确引导和支持的同时在城市里获得更多的就业与发展机会,能够把所学到的知识能力运用到适应城市生存和发展,追求更好生活的现实中去。从而来实现教育和婚恋之间相互转化和扶持,同时也能使她们树立先进的婚姻观念,真正融入到城市,适应城市文化和发展,享受更先进与开放的城市文明。
[Abstract]:Love and marriage are not only a kind of individual behavior, but also a kind of social phenomenon, which is bound to be restricted by certain social history and culture, so that it has certain sociality and epochal character, and different times have different views on marriage and love. In the modern social and cultural system, with the deepening of economic and social development and political reform, the increasingly pluralistic values of Chinese traditional social and cultural values have a violent impact, and college students' concept of love and marriage is becoming more and more diverse. As a special group, the change of the concept of marriage and love is worth exploring and analyzing. According to the investigation and literature in recent years, the concept of love among rural female college students in coastal areas is gradually changing, and some factors that hinder their own and social development lead to the distortion of the concept of love among some rural female college students. But the mainstream is still moving in the right direction. Under the guidance of family, school and society, the problem of marriage and love among rural female college students in coastal areas will be solved in time and in a positive direction. This article takes the rural female college students as the research object, attempts to make the comprehensive investigation and the analysis from the love, the marriage basic situation, the main characteristic and the existence question and so on several aspects, the countryside female university student's view of marriage and love. And summarizes the regular value judgment, thus more systematically studies the present situation of the rural female college students' marriage and love, and also helps to observe the rural female college students' value orientation and social mentality from the angle of observing the rural female college students' value orientation and social mentality. To find ways and means to guide and educate rural female college students to establish correct outlook on marriage and love and scientific outlook on life. After being influenced by simple culture in rural life, female college students in rural areas have moved into the city to be infected and influenced by their culture, which has changed their concept of marriage and love greatly, and at the same time, they have made the imprint of urban cultural concept of marriage and love. However, since some traditional backward and unhealthy concepts of marriage cannot be erased, it is even more necessary and duty-bound for us to guide and help rural female college students in their view of marriage and love. To prevent them from being hurt in the present or future conflicts of marriage and family, and to make them better aware of their responsibilities and rights. In this paper, through the data analysis of the influence factors of their views on marriage and love, the effective policy enlightenment is obtained: first of all, we should carry forward the concept of gender equality in our life and even in school, and strengthen the construction of perfect gender culture. So as to help more rural female college students to establish self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-improvement consciousness, get rid of the backward "male master and female conformance" traditional gender concept, set up their individual equality of thought, the pursuit of good and healthy love and marriage. Second, to provide a good family and social environment for rural female college students, so that they can get the correct guidance and support from their families, and at the same time obtain more employment and development opportunities in the cities. Ability to apply the knowledge learned to adapt to urban survival and development, the pursuit of a better life reality. Thus, they can transform and support each other between education and marriage, and at the same time, they can set up advanced concept of marriage, truly integrate into the city, adapt to urban culture and development, and enjoy more advanced and open urban civilization.


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