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发布时间:2018-05-11 18:43

  本文选题:孙子兵法 + 思想政治教育 ; 参考:《山西农业大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper expounds systematically the core thoughts of Sun Tzu's Art of War and summarizes the problems encountered in the process of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in China. It is creatively put forward to improve and develop ideological and political education in modern colleges and universities by using Sun Tzu's ancient military philosophy book "Sun Tzu's Art of War". It is on the basis of studying these contradictions and their transforming conditions that Sun Tzu's Art of War is based on it. Putting forward its strategy and tactics of war. The dialectical thought embodied in it plays an important role in the history of Chinese dialectical thinking, and also has an important enlightening and guiding effect on the ideological and political education. In this paper, the strategy, tactics and the essence of wisdom in Sun Tzu's Art of War are applied to the practice of solving the main problems of ideological and political education. The new methods of ideological and political education should be innovated by "surprise" and "improvisation", and the quality of ideological and political educators should be improved by the thought of "making people but not by others" and "making them use the text and using the force of the same language" to improve the quality of the ideological and political educators. It is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance to strengthen and improve the ideological and political work in colleges and universities and to speed up the cultivation of a generation of college students who adapt to the needs of the socialist market economy and the cause of modernization construction. Although ideological and political education in colleges and universities is not a war, it is also necessary to use correct methods and strategic guidance to guide teaching practice and cultivate students, so as to achieve the purpose of educating students to grow up healthily and mature.


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