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发布时间:2018-05-12 00:06

  本文选题:大学生 + 健全人格 ; 参考:《兰州交通大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生是社会主义现代化建设的接班人,培养大学生的健全人格,是思想政治教育的重要课题。当今世界政治多极化已经形成,经济全球化发展正在深入,世界文化出现了多元化的趋势,使传统的文化与人格正遭受着前所未有的冲击。当前,大学生的人格发展整体呈现出了较好的发展态势,但也存在着许多问题。本文立足思想政治教育的基础理论,试图借鉴先秦儒家理想人格思想的精华,通过对先秦儒家理想人格思想的深度解析,挖掘其对大学生健全人格塑造的现代价值,进而探寻大学生健全人格塑造的实现途径。 先秦儒家理想人格思想创始于孔子、发展于孟子,兴盛于荀子。重视理想人格的培养,是先秦儒家一以贯之的精神主旨。“内圣外王”是先秦儒家理想人格的模式,仁、义、礼、智、信是其内涵,,圣人、君子、士是其追求的目标,而修身立命、学思并举、反求诸己、积善成德是其理想人格的实现途径。先秦儒家理想人格思想对后世产生了深远的影响,在经历了从传统到现代的转型后,对大学生健全人格的塑造仍具有不可泯灭的价值。 本论文共分六章,以先秦儒家理想人格思想和大学生健全人格的塑造为主线,探讨了先秦儒家理想人格思想对大学生健全人格塑造的价值这一命题。 第一章是绪论。立足本论文的主旨,介绍了选题的依据、研究的目的及意义。在系统地阐述了国内外相关研究现状的基础上,提出了本论文的创新点。 第二章是大学生健全人格塑造概述。首先对人格和健全人格塑造的理论作了系统的梳理,考察了大学生健全人格的发展态势和存在的问题,通过分析将大学生人格缺失的原因归纳为个人、家庭、学校、社会四个方面。 第三章是先秦儒家理想人格思想的渊源及模式。为了准确的理解先秦儒家理想人格的思想,着重考察了先秦儒家产生的政治背景、经济背景和文化背景,阐述了先秦儒家理想人格思想的人性论基础,探讨了先秦儒家内圣外王的理想人格模式。 第四章是先秦儒家理想人格思想的内涵。以仁、义、礼、智、信为主线,将先秦儒家理想人格思想的内涵归纳为“仁者爱人”的仁论、“义以为上”的义论、“齐之以礼”的礼论、“知者不惑”的智论、“信以成之”的信论。仁论主要包括孝悌仁之本、推己及人行仁、克己复礼为仁的思想;义论主要包括以义制利、见利思义、舍生取义的思想;礼论主要包括约之以礼、行之以礼、重礼贵和的思想;智论主要包括智者知人、学而知之、知之为知之的思想;信论主要包括人无信不立、言而有信的思想。 第五章是先秦儒家理想人格的目标及实现途径。通过对先秦儒家圣人、君子、士的理想人格目标的系统阐述,归纳出修身立命、学思并举、反求诸己、积善成德是先秦儒家理想人格的实现途径。具体来说,修身立命要求君子以修身为本,践行中庸之道。学思并举要求君子博学笃志,敏思知耻。反求诸己要求君子自省,慎独。积善成德要求君子锲而不舍,厚德载物。 第六章是先秦儒家理想人格思想对大学生健全人格塑造的价值解析。以先秦儒家理想人格思想和大学生健全人格塑造为主线,用现代化的理念,实现了先秦儒家理想人格思想从传统到现代的转型。先秦儒家理想人格思想,有助于大学生树立远大的人生理想,有助于大学生培养高尚的道德品质,有助于大学生形成和谐的群己关系,有助于大学生形成良好的学习风气。并把大学生健全人格塑造作为一个连贯的过程,提出大学生个体是健全人格塑造的起点,家庭是大学生健全人格塑造的重点,高校是大学生健全人格塑造的要点,社会是大学生健全人格塑造的基点。大学生、父母、高校,政府应承担起各自的责任,共同促进大学生健全人格的塑造。
[Abstract]:College students are the successors of socialist modernization and the cultivation of sound personality of college students. It is an important subject of Ideological and political education. Nowadays, the political multi polarization has been formed in the world, the development of economic globalization is deepening, and the trend of the world culture has appeared, which has made the traditional culture and personality suffer an unprecedented impact. Before, the personality development of college students has shown a better development trend as a whole, but there are many problems. Based on the basic theory of Ideological and political education, this paper tries to draw on the essence of the ideal personality thought of the Pre-Qin Confucianism, and through the in-depth analysis of the ideal personality thought of the Pre-Qin Confucianism, excavates the modern modern personality molding of the college students. Value, and then explore the way to realize the shaping of College Students' healthy personality.
The ideal personality thought of the pre Qin Confucianists began in Confucius, developed in Meng Zi and prospered in Xunzi. The cultivation of ideal personality was the spiritual theme of the Confucianists in the pre Qin period. The "inner sage and outer king" was the ideal personality pattern of the pre Qin Confucianism. The ideal personality of the pre Qin Confucianists has a profound influence on the future. After the transformation from traditional to modern, it still has an unvanishing value for the shaping of the sound personality of college students.
This thesis is divided into six chapters. The theme of the ideal personality thought of the pre Qin Confucianism and the shaping of the perfect personality of the college students is the main point, and the proposition of the value of the ideal personality of the pre Qin Confucianism to the shaping of the perfect personality of the college students is discussed.
The first chapter is the introduction. Based on the main theme of this thesis, it introduces the basis of the topic, the purpose and significance of the study. On the basis of the systematic exposition of the relevant research status at home and abroad, the paper puts forward the innovation point of this paper.
The second chapter is an overview of the shaping of the sound personality of college students. First, the theory of personality and sound personality molding is systematically combed, and the development situation and existing problems of the perfect personality of college students are examined. The reasons for the lack of personality of college students are summed up into four aspects: personal, family, school and society.
The third chapter is the origin and mode of the ideal personality thought of the pre Qin Confucianism. In order to understand the ideal personality of the pre Qin Confucian ideal personality, the political background, the economic background and the cultural background of the pre Qin Confucianists were inspected, and the foundation of the human theory of the ideal personality thought of the pre Qin Confucianism was expounded, and the ideal personality of the inner sage of the pre Qin Confucianists was discussed. Pattern.
The fourth chapter is the connotation of the ideal personality thought of the pre Qin Confucianists. The connotation of the ideal personality thought of the pre Qin Confucianism is summed up as the Benevolence Theory of "benevolent lover", the theory of "righteous thought", the rite theory of "Qi Zhi Yi", the intellectual theory of "the intellectually not confusing" and the belief of "the faith to become". Benevolence mainly includes filial piety. The theory of righteousness is mainly included in the thought of righteousness, righteousness, and ritual and righteousness; the theory of rites mainly includes about the rite, the courtesy, the thought of rite, and the thought of the intellect, the knowledge and the knowledge; the theory mainly includes the people who have no faith and no standing. A word of faith.
The fifth chapter is the goal and the way to realize the ideal personality of the pre Qin Confucianists. Through the systematic exposition of the ideal personality goal of the Confucian saints, the gentlemen and the scholars in the pre-Qin period, the author sums up the realization of the ideal personality of the Confucianists in the pre Qin period. In the middle of the middle, learning and thinking also requires the gentleman to learn the spirit, and to be aware of the shame.
The sixth chapter is the analysis of the value of the ideal personality of the pre Qin Confucianists on the shaping of the perfect personality of the college students. With the ideal personality thought of the Pre-Qin Confucianism and the shaping of the perfect personality of the college students as the main line, the ideal personality thought of the pre Qin Confucianism has been transformed from the traditional to the modern. The ideal personality thought of the pre Qin Confucian is helpful to the college students. It is helpful for college students to cultivate noble moral quality, to help college students to form a harmonious group relationship, to help college students to form a good study style, and to build a sound personality of college students as a coherent process, and to put forward that college students are the starting point of shaping a sound personality, and the family is a college student. To improve the key point of personality shaping, colleges and universities are the main points of shaping the sound personality of college students, and the society is the basis of College Students' shaping of sound personality. College students, parents, colleges and universities should take on their respective responsibilities and jointly promote the shaping of sound personality of College students.



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3 李富强;西方文化与人格研究的历程[J];广西民族研究;1996年04期

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