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发布时间:2018-05-12 19:50

  本文选题:行业特色型大学 + 人才培养特色 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:行业特色型大学,作为高等教育体系中的一个与行业有着天然密不可分的联系的特殊群体,在人才培养、促进行业科技进步、服务社会与行业发展等方面发挥着重要的作用。行业特色型大学的建设与发展状况直接关系着行业的科技进步、高教办学资源及高教强国建设。本研究将通过对我国行业特色型大学人才培养特色的研究,来促进完善我国行业特色型大学的建设,提高教学质量,并进一步促进其形成人才培养特色。 本文主要运用了文献资料法,对比分析法和统计分析的方法。在综合分析国内外学者对行业特色型大学的研究成果的基础之上,对行业特色型大学、人才培养特色等概念进行了界定,通过对部分行业特色型大学的办学特色、办学定位及课程专业设置等方面的资料进行统计和对比分析,总结提炼出了我国行业特色型大学在其长期办学过程中所形成的人才培养特色的共性,即针对性与适应性、重基础与求创新、工程实践能力强及服务行业、务实奉献的精神。然后以西南交通大学为个体实例对这些共性加以了阐释和验证,并对其人才培养特色做出了评价。最后本文对高等教育管理体制改革之后,我国行业特色型大学的人才培养现状进行了分析,在文章结尾从政府的政策和高校内部两方面对行业特色型大学未来的发展做出了建议。
[Abstract]:As a special group in the system of higher education, the characteristic university plays an important role in cultivating talents, promoting the progress of science and technology, serving the society and developing the industry. The construction and development of the characteristic universities of industry are directly related to the progress of science and technology, the resources of running higher education and the construction of powerful countries of higher education. This study will promote the construction of the industry characteristic university, improve the teaching quality, and further promote the formation of talent training characteristics through the study of the characteristics of talents cultivation in China's industry characteristic universities. This article mainly uses the literature method, the contrast analysis method and the statistical analysis method. On the basis of synthetically analyzing the research results of the domestic and foreign scholars on the industry-characteristic universities, this paper defines the concepts of the industry-characteristic universities and the talents training characteristics. Based on the statistics and comparative analysis on the orientation of running a school and the setting of courses and specialties, this paper summarizes the generality of the characteristics of talents training formed in the long run process of the universities with special characteristics of industry in our country, that is, pertinence and adaptability. Emphasis on foundation and innovation, engineering practice ability and service industry, pragmatic dedication spirit. Then taking Southwest Jiaotong University as an individual example, this paper explains and verifies these commonalities, and evaluates the characteristics of talent cultivation. Finally, after the reform of the management system of higher education, this paper analyzes the present situation of talents training in the industry characteristic universities in our country. At the end of the article, some suggestions are made on the future development of the industry characteristic universities from the government's policy and the interior of colleges and universities.


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