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发布时间:2018-05-12 22:34

  本文选题:思想政治教育 + 高校师生关系 ; 参考:《长春工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当今社会关系错综复杂,各种关系交错横生,而在高校教育中师生关系当仁不让的占据着首要位置,同时也是一组最基础的人际关系,不容小视。和谐的师生关系,在很大程度上直接影响着教育活动完成的效率与质量,而其中教育质量的好坏,对师生各自的知识汲取与自身发展也产生了极大的影响力。很长的时间里,师生关系常常被错误的理解成单方向的知识传授,授之渔与收之鱼的简单传承。到底什么是真正和谐的师生关系?影响高校师生关系的根本因素是什么?我们从什么样的切入点分析研究,才能梳理出从师生关系的本质,解决师生关系的问题并得到改善呢。 思想政治教育是引领人类精神文明跃进的重要手段,同时也是人们主观意识映射于客观现实的一种举措。对于当代青年,高校思想政治教育更应该加大力度重视师生关系问题。曾有人这样形容过:“师生关系对于教育质量、教学效益和学生成长的重要意义,丝毫不亚于空气对人的价值。”教育活动的开展常常是以师生关系为大前提,在其支撑下举办各种活动。师生关系作为学校教育中一组最核心、最夯实的交往关系,是所有教育活动的基础前提,同时也是教育中最活跃、最能动、最积极的润滑剂。 尽管国内学术界关于“师生关系”问题的研究丰富多样,也比较系统全面,但面对当前复杂的高校师生关系,已有研究仍显不够,原因体现为两点:一是对高校师生关系的研究工作缺乏一定的目的性,虽然社会中师生间关系拥有广泛而相似的改变方向,但在师生关系现状及对策上也存在着大同小异,各高校之间人才培养模式、办学层次等差异是主要因素;二是当前大多数针对高校师生关系的研究成果绝大多数付诸理论描述和事实陈述,很多时候都变成了文字文献,所以高校师生关系问题及对策还需作进一步研究。 本文主要通过对思想政治教育视角下的高校师生关系的分析,梳理出目前师生关系的现状和存在问题,归纳了产生问题的社会、学校、教师及学生几方面的因素,指出促进高校师生和谐关系的对策。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, social relations are complicated and all kinds of relationships are interlaced, and the relationship between teachers and students occupies the primary position in higher education, and it is also a group of basic interpersonal relations, which should not be underestimated. The harmonious relationship between teachers and students directly affects the efficiency and quality of the completion of educational activities to a great extent, and the quality of education has a great influence on the acquisition of knowledge and the development of teachers and students. For a long time, teacher-student relationship is often misinterpreted as a single direction of knowledge transfer, teaching and harvesting of fish simple inheritance. What is the real harmonious relationship between teachers and students? What are the basic factors that affect the teacher-student relationship in colleges and universities? We can sort out the essence of teacher-student relationship, solve the problem of teacher-student relationship and improve it. Ideological and political education is not only an important means to lead human spiritual civilization forward, but also a measure to map people's subjective consciousness to objective reality. For contemporary youth, ideological and political education in colleges and universities should pay more attention to the relationship between teachers and students. Some once said, "Teacher-student relationship is no less important to the quality of education, the effectiveness of teaching, and the growth of students than the value of air to people." Educational activities are often carried out on the premise of teacher-student relations, under the support of various activities. The teacher-student relationship, as the core of school education, is the basic premise of all educational activities, and the most active, active and active lubricant in education. Although the research on "teacher-student relationship" in domestic academic circles is rich and diverse, but in the face of the complex teacher-student relationship in colleges and universities, the existing research is still insufficient. The reasons are as follows: first, there is a lack of purpose in the research of teacher-student relationship in colleges and universities. Although the relationship between teachers and students in society has a broad and similar direction of change, there are still some differences in the present situation and countermeasures of teacher-student relations. The main factors are the differences in personnel training models and levels of running schools among colleges and universities. Second, most of the current research results on teacher-student relations in colleges and universities are put into theoretical descriptions and factual statements, and in many cases they become written documents. Therefore, the problems and countermeasures of teacher-student relationship in colleges and universities need to be further studied. Based on the analysis of the teacher-student relationship in colleges and universities from the perspective of ideological and political education, this paper sorts out the present situation and existing problems of teacher-student relations, and summarizes the social, school, teacher and student factors that cause the problems. The countermeasures to promote the harmonious relationship between teachers and students in colleges and universities are pointed out.


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