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发布时间:2018-05-13 00:21

  本文选题:创新思维培养 + 理论观点 ; 参考:《中国病理生理杂志》2013年10期

[Abstract]:The competition of national strength in twenty-first Century is essentially the competition of innovative talents. Therefore, it has become a task for Chinese higher education to train students' innovative thinking. How to strengthen the cultivation of students' innovative thinking has become an urgent problem that the teachers must discuss. Pathophysiology reveals the pathogenesis of the disease and has a profound influence on the clinical practice. According to the characteristics of pathophysiology, the teaching and research department organized classroom teaching according to the characteristics of pathophysiology, and encouraged students to think about the unsolved problems on the basis of the basic content of the existing theories, and put forward new solutions and theoretical views, and the classroom teaching. Some examples of scientific discoveries at home and abroad are used to stimulate the students to form creative thinking potential; to help the students to clear the thinking pattern that prevents the formation of innovative thinking by using the thought setting in clinical work to help the students to clear the thinking pattern of the formation of innovative thinking; and also to introduce a variety of thinking methods to the students in the classroom teaching. In order to cultivate the students' ability to observe, we should pay attention to the cultivation of the logical thinking ability of the students' analysis and synthesis, and discuss the new theoretical viewpoints of the existing pathophysiology theory and cultivate the students' ability to think through the network class. The exploration of these innovative thinking training will be for the medical undergraduate teaching. Innovation education provides reference.

【作者单位】: 三峡大学医学院病理生理学教研室;


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