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发布时间:2018-05-13 19:28

  本文选题:信息时代 + 大学生 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:二十一世纪是以知识经济为主导的信息时代,人类知识的总量急速增大,各国的竞争已然演变成了人才的竞争、信息的竞争。信息的搜集、处理、整合和升级会是各国抢占竞争先机不可或缺的重要部分。大学生是信息技术的体验者,更是使其升级的创造者,他们体验着信息海洋这片遥遥无际地新天地,在这里畅游刷新自身。在此影响下,,大学生的生存空间得以拓宽,交往方式,思维方式等也得以变革更新。不可否认此境况延展了大学生的眼界,不过层出不穷且杂乱的信息同时给大学生出了一道道判断题,价值取向也呈现出复杂、困惑的尴尬局面。因此,如何在信息时代来分析大学生的价值取向,引导他们树立正确的价值取向是一个必须予以回应的课题。 文章绪论结合当前学界研究状况,进一步阐明了本文研究的理论意义和现实意义。第一章立足于现实语境,较为详细地对信息时代大学生价值取向相关概念与理论进行了阐述,为本文展开的研究提供依据。进而从信息时代大学生价值取向的现状入手,在第二章深入分析重点指出信息时代大学生价值取向困惑归因为三个方面即社会转型急剧与精神文化失落的矛盾、思想政治教育价值一元性与现实价值多元性的矛盾和个体信息需求过度满足与辨别能力不足的矛盾。 最后,针对信息时代大学生价值取向困惑成因对构建大学生价值取向的具体路径给予一定的分析和探讨。构建大学生正确价值取向,不是一朝一夕或者是某个人单独就可以完成的任务,它需要社会、学校以及大学生本人相互促进来做出共同的努力。以社会充分加强核心价值体系引导作用,学校积极发挥学校价值取向教育的主导作用,个体自觉坚持信息取舍下的正确价值取向为推动力,三位一体来共同确立大学生正确价值取向。
[Abstract]:The 21 century is an information age dominated by knowledge economy. The total amount of human knowledge increases rapidly, and the competition of various countries has evolved into the competition of talents and information. The collection, processing, integration and upgrading of information will be an indispensable part of national competition. College students are the experience of information technology, but also the creators of its upgrade, they experience the ocean of information this remote new world, swim here to refresh themselves. Under the influence of this, the living space of college students can be broadened, the way of communication and the way of thinking can also be changed and renewed. There is no denying that this situation has extended the horizon of college students, but the endless and messy information also gives the university students a judgment question, and the value orientation also presents a complicated and confused awkward situation. Therefore, how to analyze the value orientation of college students in the information age and guide them to set up a correct value orientation is a subject that must be answered. Combined with the current academic research situation, the introduction further clarifies the theoretical and practical significance of this study. The first chapter, based on the realistic context, elaborates the related concepts and theories of the value orientation of college students in the information age in order to provide the basis for the research carried out in this paper. Then starting with the status quo of the value orientation of college students in the information age, the author points out in the second chapter that the confusion of the value orientation of college students in the information age can be attributed to three aspects: the sharp contradiction between the social transformation and the loss of spiritual culture. The contradiction between the value of ideological and political education and the pluralism of realistic value and the contradiction between the over-satisfaction of individual information demand and the deficiency of discerning ability. Finally, in view of the causes of the confusion of the value orientation of college students in the information age, this paper gives some analysis and discussion on the concrete path of constructing the value orientation of the university students. To construct the correct value orientation of college students is not a task that can be accomplished overnight or by one person alone. It requires the mutual promotion of society, school and college students themselves to make common efforts. It is driven by the fact that society fully strengthens the guiding role of the core value system, that schools actively exert the leading role of school value orientation education, and that individuals consciously adhere to the correct value orientation under the choice of information. Trinity to establish the correct value orientation of college students.


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