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发布时间:2018-05-14 17:19

  本文选题:辅导员 + 职业价值观 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on further strengthening and improving the ideological and political Education of College students (document Zhongfa [2004]) point out that counsellors are an important part of the contingent of teachers and management teams in institutions of higher learning. Have the dual identity of teacher and cadre. Institutions of higher learning should establish and gradually perfect the incentive and guarantee mechanism for the promotion of counsellors in administrative positions, improve and perfect the professional post series of counselors in colleges and universities. Based on the actual situation of college students' full-time team of ideological and political education, this paper solves the problem of teachers' appointment, so as to encourage and support them to work in their own right. With the deepening of comprehensive reform of higher education, the important role of counselors is becoming more and more prominent. Therefore, based on the theory of career development and identity theory, it is not only of great theoretical value, but also of great practical significance to study the development prospects and professional values of counselors. Based on the theory of career development and identity, this study explores the influence of development prospects on counselors' professional values. By means of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, this paper analyzes the influence of job promotion and professional title evaluation on the career purpose, attitude, emotion and professional ethics of counselors through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The relationship between the prospect of development and the professional values of counselors is discussed in a comprehensive and systematic way. The empirical results show that: the prospect of development has a certain impact on the stability of counselors' career purpose, the prospect of development has a certain impact on the formation of counselors' professional attitude, the prospect of development has a certain impact on the cultivation of counselors' professional emotion. The development prospect has certain influence on the cultivation of counselors' professional ethics. In order to strengthen the construction of counselors' professional values, we must provide guarantee for their professional development. This study proposes: perfecting the scientific and reasonable promotion mechanism of counselors, establishing the supporting rules and regulations for the promotion of counselors, establishing a scientific and reasonable evaluation mechanism for the promotion of counselors; Vigorously promote the competitive way to achieve career promotion of counselors; improve the supervision and security mechanism for the promotion of counselors. To establish a sound and feasible evaluation system of counselors' professional titles: to establish an independent evaluation system of counselors' professional titles, to formulate and perfect the counselors' plans to upgrade their academic qualifications, to encourage and guide counselors to carry out scientific research; The work of counselors will actually be included in the category of professional title evaluation. In order to perfect and perfect the job promotion and professional title evaluation of counselors, promote the construction of counselors' professional values.


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