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发布时间:2018-05-16 23:24

  本文选题:大学生 + 马克思主义信仰 ; 参考:《华东交通大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:信仰是人类精神世界的深层结构,体现了人之所以为人的内在依据。信仰是人类对世界和人生的终极关怀,是对世界和人生“应当”的设问、追求和回答。马克思主义既是科学,又是信仰。作为科学,它揭示了事物发展的客观规律,是人们认识世界和改造世界的强大思想武器;作为信仰,它是人们对马克思主义的信奉和自觉追求,.是无产阶级的精神支柱和奋斗旗帜。大学生是祖国的未来、民族的希望,他们能否确立马克思主义信仰及其确立程度如何,将对我国的社会主义现代化建设事业产生深远影响。 论文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义方法论为指导,以经典马克思主义和中国化马克思主义关于信仰教育的相关论述为理论基础,运用文献研究法、调查研究法和综合分析法,对当代大学生马克思主义信仰教育的相关理论问题、现状、实施对策与发展建议等进行了分析和探讨。 第一章:首先论述了大学生马克思主义信仰教育研究的选题缘由及研究意义。在考察当前研究现状的基础上提出研究思路和研究方法,以及重难点与创新之处。 第二章:相关理论基础。分析当代大学生马克思主义信仰教育的理论基础——即经典马克思主义关于信仰教育的理论和中国化马克思主义关于信仰教育的理论。 第三章:信仰教育研究的现实必要分析。论文首先从我国高等教育发展的视角进行分析,提出了我国氋等教育战略主题的需求、我国大学办学方向的需要、我国高等教育功能实现保障的需要;然后从我国高校马克思主义理论教育的视角进行分析,,提出了信仰教育研究是马克思主义理论在氋校教育的前提、是马克思主义理论氋校教育的依据、是马克思主义理论氋校教育的基础;最后从我国大学生担负历史使命的视角进行分析,提出信仰教育研究是大学生正确分辨国际形势的引导、是大学生在国内多元文化价值大海中的指南针、可以全面提升大学生的综合素质。 第四章:信仰弱化及教育中存在的问题。论文首先分析了当前大学生马克思主义信仰弱化及其原因,主要包括:中国特色社会主义建设中的一些负面现象的存在,敌对势力的西化和分化企图对当前大学生马克思主义信仰的消解,互联网多元价值观对当前大学生马克思主义信仰的冲击,目前高校马克思主义信仰教育模式和体制跟不上形势的发展;然后分析了当前大学生马克思主义信仰教育存在的问题,主要包括:教育目标没有实现应然与实然的统一,教育内容引导与大学生的实际需要并不完全一致,教育方法比较缺乏多样性,高校大学生马克思主义信仰教育的认识高度不够,教育理念相对滞后的影响,少数教育者本身的马克思主义素养存在问题。 第五章:信仰教育的实施对策与发展建议。论文分析了信仰教育的实施对策,提出要充分发挥高校思想政治理论课的主渠道作用,合理确立大学生马克思主义信仰教育的内容,优化校园和社会环境,加强高校教师自身的思想政治素质;然后提出了信仰教育的发展建议,构建大学生信仰教育社会体系,发展大学生信仰教育的网络新阵地,走中国特色化的大学生思想政治教育道路。 第六章:结论。阐明论文研究的总体结论以及论文研究中的未尽之处。
[Abstract]:The belief is the deep structure of the human spirit world , which embodies the inner basis of human being . The belief is the ultimate concern of mankind to the world and the life . It is the question , pursuit and answer to the world and the life . Marxism is both science and faith . As the science , it reveals the objective law of the development of things . It is a powerful ideological weapon for people to understand the world and to transform the world . As a faith , it is the belief and conscious pursuit of Marxism . It is the spirit pillar and the struggle banner of the proletariat . The university students are the future of the motherland and the hope of the people , whether they can establish the Marxism faith and how to establish the degree , will have a far - reaching influence on the socialist modernization construction cause of our country .

On the basis of dialectical materialism and historical materialism methodology , this paper analyzes and discusses the relevant theoretical problems , current situation , countermeasures and development suggestions of Marxist belief education in contemporary college students based on the relevant exposition of classical Marxism and Chinese Marxism on belief education .

Chapter One : Firstly , the author discusses the causes and significance of the research of Marxist belief education in college students . Based on the current research situation , this paper puts forward the research thinking and research methods , as well as the difficulties and innovations .

Chapter 2 : On the basis of relevant theories , the paper analyzes the theoretical foundation of Marxist belief education in contemporary college students , that is , the theory of classical Marxism on belief education and the theory of Chinese Marxism on belief education .

Chapter Three : The analysis of the realistic necessity of the research of faith education . Firstly , this paper analyzes the development of higher education in China , and puts forward the demand of educational strategic theme in China ' s education and so on , and the need of our university running direction and the need of the guarantee of the function of higher education in our country .
Then , from the perspective of Marxist theory education in China ' s colleges and universities , the author puts forward that the research on belief education is the premise of the education of Marxist theory in the school education , and it is the basis of Marxism theoretical education .
Finally , from the perspective of the historical mission of college students in our country , the author puts forward that the research on belief education is the guide of the university students to distinguish the international situation correctly . It is the compass in the multi - cultural value sea of college students , which can comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of college students .

Chapter Four : The weakening of belief and the problems existing in education . Firstly , the weakening of Marxist belief and its causes are analyzed , including : the existence of some negative phenomena in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics , the nationalization and differentiation of the hostile forces , the impact of the current college students ' Marxism belief , the multi - value of Internet , the impact of the current college students ' Marxism belief , and the development of Marxist belief education model and system in colleges and universities .
Then the author analyzes the existing problems of the current college students ' Marxism belief education , which mainly includes the lack of realization of the goal of education and the unification of the actual needs of the college students , the lack of diversity in the teaching methods , the lack of understanding of the Marxist belief education of the college students , the influence of the relative lag of the educational concept , and the problems of the Marxist accomplishment of the minority educators themselves .

Chapter 5 : The implementation countermeasure and development suggestion of the belief education . The article analyzes the implementation countermeasure of the belief education , puts forward the main channel function of the ideological and political theory course of the university , rationally establishes the content of the college students ' Marxism belief education , optimizes the campus and the social environment , and strengthens the ideological and political quality of the college teachers themselves ;
Then it puts forward the development suggestion of faith education , constructs the social system of college students ' faith education , develops the network new position of college students ' faith education , and goes on the road of ideological and political education of college students who are characteristic of China .

Chapter 6 : Conclusions : The general conclusion of the paper ' s research and the outstanding part in the research of the thesis are expounded .


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1 谢成宇;侯欣;;大学生信仰教育的困境与路径论略[J];湖北社会科学;2011年02期

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1 龙秀雄;中国共产党干部思想政治教育时代性研究[D];陕西师范大学;2010年

2 孙铁骑;当代中国马克思主义信仰的理性审视[D];东北师范大学;2011年




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