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发布时间:2018-05-18 02:43

  本文选题:中德 + 世界一流大学建设 ; 参考:《天津师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在进入高等教育大众化时代的今天,面对科学技术的迅速发展、国际竞争的日益激烈,出台世界一流大学建设政策是许多国家为追求教育质量与效率,培养创新人才以应对国际竞争的重要举措。“985工程”和“卓越计划”便是中德两国在高等教育领域为建设本国的世界一流大学而出台的重要政策。 中德两国世界一流大学建设政策有着不同的历史背景,在“卓越计划”提出之前,德国在高等教育发展过程中从未出台过扶持少数大学重点发展的政策,强调“均质”,但在高等教育发展过程中自然形成的等级划分,也为“卓越计划”的实施奠定了基础;我国自新中国成立以来,一直实施重点大学发展战略,这是我国“985工程”得以实施的历史背景。在现实背景下,由于高等教育大众化的内在要求以及提升综合国力的现实需求,中德两国对于出台世界一流大学建设政策又有着相同的时代背景,与此同时,又面临着各自的现实问题与困惑。 通过分析与比较中德世界一流大学建设政策的出台过程、政策的主体与客体、政策目标、内容与实施等方面的异同,在总结“卓越计划”与“985工程”各自的经验与不足的基础上,结合我国国情提出“卓越计划”对完善“985工程”的启示:1.转变政策制定方式;2.发展教育中介组织;3.建立严格公正的评审程序;4.建立多元化的资助方式;5.促进大学竞争与多元化发展。
[Abstract]:In the era of mass higher education, facing the rapid development of science and technology, and the increasingly fierce international competition, many countries are pursuing the quality and efficiency of education. "Project 985" and "Plan of Excellence" are the important policies of China and Germany in the field of higher education to build their own world-class universities. China and Germany have different historical backgrounds for the construction of world-class universities. Before the "Excellence Plan" was put forward, Germany had never issued a policy to support the key development of a few universities in the development of higher education, emphasizing "homogeneity". However, the natural grading in the course of the development of higher education has laid the foundation for the implementation of the "Excellence Plan." since the founding of the people's Republic of China, China has been implementing the development strategy of key universities. This is our country "985 project" can carry out the historical background. Under the background of reality, because of the internal requirement of the popularization of higher education and the realistic demand of enhancing the comprehensive national strength, China and Germany have the same background for the introduction of world-class university construction policy, at the same time, They are faced with their own realistic problems and puzzles. By analyzing and comparing the process of the establishment of the construction policy of the world class universities in China and Germany, the subject and object of the policy, the policy objective, the content and the implementation of the policy, the similarities and differences between them are analyzed and compared. On the basis of summing up the respective experiences and shortcomings of "excellent Plan" and "985 Project", this paper puts forward the enlightenment of "excellent Plan" to the perfection of "985 Project". Change the way of policy making. Develop educational intermediary organizations. Establish strict and fair evaluation procedures. To establish a diversified approach to funding. Promote university competition and diversified development.


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