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发布时间:2018-05-18 04:27

  本文选题:桑代克学习理论 + 情境教学 ; 参考:《山西医科大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究目的解析桑代克学习理论中的准备律、学习律和效果律,分析桑代克学习理论应用于《人际沟通》课程的教学成效,改进课堂讲授与单纯书面试题的测评形式,及时借助录像验证效果,为提高护理专升本学生人际沟通能力提供参考,也为护理专升本《人际沟通》教学改革提供了一定的参考价值。 研究方法本论文为实验性干预研究,运用的方法是方便整群抽样,选取2010级与2011级在山西医科大学第一医院护校必修《人际沟通》的全部护理专升本学生689人作为研究对象。2010级的学生设为对照组,2011级的学生设为试验组,试验组采用桑代克学习理论创设的情境教学进行20学时的培训,对照组采用传统教学方式(讲授+举例案例)进行了共计20个学时的教学,两个小组的教学内容、教学课本完全一样,对试验组学生干预后测评采用的是案例分析方法,对两小组研究对象在实施干预前后分别应用《护生临床沟通能力测评量表》进行临床沟通能力自我测评,并对试验组的学生在干预结束后发放情境教学反馈问卷,调查学生对运用桑代克学习理论创设情境教学的评价及建议。 本论文研究使用统计软件SPSS17.0来建立其数据库,然后进行数据录入工作。根据调查资料的情况选择恰当的统计方法,其统计方法主要包括描述性分析、t检验、Spearman相关分析等。 研究结果护生临床沟通能力:在α=0.05检验水准下,2010级、2011级学生对干预前的临床沟通能力差异无统计学意义,干预后差异有统计学意义(P0.05),并且2011级学生优于2010级学生。2011级学生在五方面优于对照组(P0.05),这五方面分别是:建立和谐关系、敏锐倾听、共同参与、验证感受、传递有效信息。在确认病人问题方面差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。对两组学生干预前后分别比较差异都有统计学意义(P0.05)。 护理专升本学生临床沟通能力影响因素:除了测试当天精神状态、父母亲的文化、父母亲的职业外其他因素都与护生的临床沟通能力呈正相关。情境反馈问卷的调查结果: 1.学生对教师的评价及建议85%以上的学生对教师的教学态度认可,,但希望带教老师在课堂上讨论的时候能够更好地指导学生反思,以便能更好地启发学生分析问题。 2.学生对自己的评价及建议31.7%的学生没有做充分的课前预习,希望带教老师能采取一些积极措施督促学生做好预习工作。 3.学生对情境实践的评价及建议96.1%的学生认为在情境教学中能得到老师/同学的提示,77.5%的学生认为自己在情境教学中可以与小组成员一起讨论有关沟通的问题。建议课程可通过以下顺序来完成:课前预习、课堂学习、反复试误;在试误学习中及时鼓励学生不断改进。 4.学生对情境设计的评价及建议63.3%的学生对培训的教学内容很满意,只有26.9%的学生认为情境沟通的难度有点大,66.9%的学生认为情境真实性强,且学时安排合理。建议教师可根据学生的掌握情况来灵活变动情境的难度;每个情境可安排3~5次试误,并对试误过程进行录像以方便同学在试误中找出彼此的问题;可根据学生的意愿来酌情选择情境;教师要想方设法增加情境的真实性。 5.学生对教学效果的评价及建议75%以上的学生认为这种教学有助于她们能力的提高,对课程持较满意态度,85%的学生认为这种教学有益于以后适应临床工作,在沟通能力方面认识到了自己的不足并有了进一步的提高。案例分析题结果:应用桑代克学习理论创设情境教学后,1.学生对基本的沟通知识已经掌握;2.学生能轻松作答,没有任何压力,更能激起其沟通欲望。研究结论桑代克学习理论作为一种学习理论,其创设的情境教学作为一种教学方法有益于促进护理专升本学生的临床沟通能力,同时对临床护理教育的完善也具有促进作用。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to analyze the preparation law, the law of learning and the law of effect in Thorndike's learning theory, analyze the teaching effect of the application of Thorndike's learning theory to the course of interpersonal communication, improve the evaluation form of the classroom teaching and the simple written test questions, and help to provide reference for improving the interpersonal communication ability of the nursing students. It provides a certain reference value for the teaching reform of nursing interpersonal communication.
The method of the study was experimental intervention study. The method used was to facilitate group sampling, and selected 689 students of all the students of the 2010 class and 2011 class in the first hospital of Shanxi Medical University, the first hospital of the first hospital of Shanxi Medical University, as the control group. The students of class 2011 were set up as the experimental group and the experimental group was adopted. The situation teaching created by Thorndike's learning theory is trained at 20 hours. The control group adopts the traditional teaching method (lecturing + example case) to carry out a total of 20 teaching hours. The content of the two groups is the same as the teaching textbook. The method of case analysis is used for the test group after the intervention of the students, and the two groups of research objects are used. Before and after the intervention, the nursing students' clinical communication ability assessment scale was applied to the self-assessment of clinical communication ability, and the students in the experimental group were given a situational teaching feedback questionnaire after the intervention, and the students' evaluation and suggestions on the creation of situational teaching by using Thorndike's learning theory were investigated.
This paper uses the statistical software SPSS17.0 to establish its database, and then carries out the data entry work. According to the survey data, select the appropriate statistical methods. The statistical methods mainly include descriptive analysis, t test, Spearman correlation analysis and so on.
Results the clinical communication ability of the nursing students: at the level of alpha =0.05 test, there was no significant difference in the clinical communication ability of grade 2010 and 2011 students before intervention, and the difference was statistically significant after intervention (P0.05), and the grade 2011 students were superior to the class 2010 class.2011 students in five respects superior to the control group (P0.05), and the five aspects were respectively built. There was no statistical significance (P0.05) in the identification of patients' problems (P0.05). There was significant difference between the two groups of students before and after intervention (P0.05).
Factors affecting the clinical communication ability of the nursing students: in addition to the mental state of the day, the parents' culture, and the other factors outside the parents were positively related to the clinical communication ability of the nursing students.
1. students' evaluation of teachers and more than 85% of the students' attitude to the teaching attitude of the teachers, but it is hoped that the teacher can better guide the students' reflection when they discuss it in class so that they can better inspire the students to analyze the problem.
2. students do not make full pre class preview to their own evaluation and suggestion 31.7%, and hope that the teacher can take some positive measures to urge the students to do a good job of preview.
3. students' evaluation of situational practice and 96.1% of the students think that they can get teachers / students' tips in situational teaching. 77.5% of the students think that they can discuss the problems of communication with the members of the group in the situation teaching. In the trial and error study, encourage the students to improve in time.
4. students' evaluation of Situational Design and suggestion 63.3% are satisfied with the teaching content of the training. Only 26.9% of the students think the difficulty of situational communication is a little difficult. 66.9% of the students think the situation is strong and the school schedule is reasonable. It is suggested that teachers can flexibly change the difficulty of the situation according to the students' mastery; each situation can be changed Arrange the 3~5 trial and error, and videotape the trial and error process to facilitate the students to find out each other's problems in the trial and error; the situation can be selected according to the wishes of the students; the teacher should try to increase the reality of the situation.
5. the students' evaluation of the teaching effect and the suggestion that more than 75% of the students think that this kind of teaching helps them improve their ability and is more satisfied with the course. 85% of the students think that this kind of teaching is useful to adapt to the clinical work in the future. After the application of Thorndike learning theory to create situational teaching, 1. students have mastered basic communication knowledge; 2. students can easily answer, without any pressure, can arouse their desire to communicate. Conclusion Thorndike learning theory as a learning theory, the creation of situational teaching as a teaching method is beneficial to the promotion of nursing. The clinical communication ability of students who are promoted to undergraduate education also promotes the perfection of clinical nursing education.


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