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发布时间:2018-05-19 01:43

  本文选题:大学生 + 网络社团 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着互联网技术的发展和大学生交往需求的多样化,网络社团成为大学生社团发展的新趋势,已对大学生群体发展产生了深远的影响,成为部分大学生学习、生活和娱乐的重要组织形式,在高校的学生教育管理工作中居于越来越重要的地位。基于此,本论文以大学生网络社团运行机制与管理策略为选题,通过查阅大量文献资料和综合运用教育学相关理论知识,对大学生网络社团进行比较深入的研究。 本研究从大学生网络社团的内涵、类型和特征着手,经研究发现:大学生网络社团在发展运行中主要存在成员不稳定、引导难度大和管理相对滞后的问题;大学生网络社团以大学生的兴趣和需要为原发动力,以社团文化为纽带,通过社团成员间的互动关系促进社团发展,其维系力主要包括基础维系力、文化维系力和发展维系力三个方面的内容,它贯穿于大学生网络社团运行机制之中,是大学生网络社团得以运行和持久发展的重要纽带力量;大学生网络的运行机制主要包括基础运行机制、心理动力机制、竞争促进机制、监督保障机制和反馈优化机制五个方面的内容。 针对研究发现,本研究在指导思想、维系力、运行机制和存在问题四个方面提出了相关的教育管理策略,以形成大学生网络社团的建设与高校教育管理工作的无缝对接,使大学生网络社团运行机制顺畅运行,引导大学生网络社团健康发展,维护高校的稳定与和谐。
[Abstract]:With the development of Internet technology and the diversification of college students' communication needs, the network community has become a new trend of the development of college students' associations, which has had a profound impact on the development of college students' groups, and has become part of the study of college students. The important organizational form of life and entertainment plays a more and more important role in the education and management of college students. Based on this, this paper takes the operation mechanism and management strategy of college students' network association as the topic, through consulting a large number of documents and synthetically applying the relevant theoretical knowledge of pedagogy, carries on the comparatively thorough research to the university student network association. This study starts with the connotation, types and characteristics of the college students' network association. It is found that the main problems in the development and operation of the university students' network society are the instability of the members, the difficulty of guidance and the relative lag of the management; With the interest and need of college students as the primary motive force and the community culture as the link, the network association of college students promotes the development of the community through the interaction among the members of the association. The maintenance power mainly includes the basic maintenance. It runs through the running mechanism of the university students' network association and is the important link force for the university students' network association to run and develop for a long time. The operation mechanism of college students' network mainly includes five aspects: the basic operation mechanism, the psychological motive mechanism, the competition promotion mechanism, the supervision and security mechanism and the feedback optimization mechanism. In view of the research findings, this study puts forward the relevant educational management strategies in four aspects, such as guiding ideology, sustaining power, running mechanism and existing problems, in order to form a seamless connection between the construction of college students' network associations and the work of university education management. To make the running mechanism of college students' network association run smoothly, to guide the healthy development of university students' network association, and to maintain the stability and harmony of the university.


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