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发布时间:2018-05-20 01:12

  本文选题:微时代 + 大学生 ; 参考:《辽宁工业大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会的进步,信息化技术的发展,新媒体逐渐走进了我们的生活,越来越多的网络媒体以“微”冠名,“微时代”一词应运而生。网络媒体的多元化,为信息的传播开辟了新道路。微博、微信、微小说、微电影、微公益等一系列网络媒体走进了人们的生活,尤其是接受新生事物能力快、追求时尚的大学生更成为“微时代”的追随者,这为大学生的学习和生活方式带来了变化。“微时代”的兴起为高校思想政治教育工作的开展带来了新的机遇与挑战,如何在“微时代”的大环境下做好大学生的思想政治教育工作是目前高校面临的重要问题。 本论文采用了文献研究法和比较分析法以及调查研究等方法,在“微时代”背景下,对新形势下的高校思想政治教育工作机制进行了概念界定、问题分析、理论研究以及方法探索。首先,概括了“微时代”和思想政治教育工作机制两个基本概念、特征,分析了“微时代”下思想政治教育工作机制的新形式。其次,,结合“微媒体”特点论述了大学生思想政治教育机制现状,从“微时代”下大学生思想政治教育模式受到新兴媒体的冲击,分析了新形势下的大学生思想政治教育工作机制面临的问题。再次,根据新媒体的特性阐述了“微时代”下大学生思想政治教育工作面临的机遇与挑战。最后,在理论研究的基础上,提出充分利用“微时代”的特点深化大学生思想政治教育工作机制的对策。 “微时代”的到来影响着大学生的学习和生活,高校思想政治教育工作者利用“微媒体”开展工作,这不仅符合大学生思想政治教育工作发展的规律,也满足高校思想政治教育不断发展的要求,高校应抓住机遇,进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作。
[Abstract]:With the progress of society and the development of information technology, new media come into our life gradually. More and more network media are named "micro", and the word "micro-era" arises at the historic moment. The diversification of network media opens up a new way for the dissemination of information. Weibo, WeChat, micro-fiction, micro-film, micro-public welfare and a series of network media into people's lives, especially the ability to accept new things quickly, the pursuit of fashion college students have become "micro-era" followers, This has brought about changes in the way of study and life of college students. The rise of "micro-era" has brought new opportunities and challenges to the development of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. How to do the ideological and political education of college students well under the "micro-era" is an important problem facing colleges and universities at present. This paper adopts the methods of literature research, comparative analysis and investigation and research. Under the background of "micro-era", this paper defines the concept and problems of ideological and political education work mechanism in colleges and universities under the new situation. Theoretical research and method exploration. First of all, it summarizes the two basic concepts and characteristics of "micro-era" and ideological and political education work mechanism, and analyzes the new forms of ideological and political education work mechanism under "micro-era". Secondly, combined with the characteristics of "micro-media", this paper discusses the current situation of the ideological and political education mechanism of college students, and from the micro-era, the ideological and political education mode of college students is impacted by the new media. This paper analyzes the problems faced by the work mechanism of ideological and political education of college students under the new situation. Thirdly, according to the characteristics of the new media, this paper expounds the opportunities and challenges faced by the ideological and political education of college students in the "micro-era". Finally, on the basis of theoretical research, the author puts forward some countermeasures to deepen the work mechanism of ideological and political education of college students by making full use of the characteristics of "micro-era". The arrival of "micro-age" affects the study and life of college students. Ideological and political educators in colleges and universities use "micro-media" to carry out their work, which not only accords with the law of the development of ideological and political education for college students. It also meets the requirements of the constant development of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, so colleges and universities should seize the opportunity to further strengthen and improve the ideological and political education of college students.


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