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发布时间:2018-05-20 06:42

  本文选题:高等教育 + 国际化 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The internationalization of higher education is an important feature and main trend of the development of education in the world today. It is the objective requirement of education put forward by economic globalization and the requirement of the development of higher education itself. How to study the development, phenomenon and strategy of international communication and cooperation, how to carry out in-depth theoretical analysis and choose the appropriate strategy, has become more and more important at present. The research of this thesis has practical significance for the strategic choice and guidance of internationalization work in colleges and universities. This paper analyzes and discusses the current situation and countermeasures of international exchange in colleges and universities in China, and divides the internationalization of higher education into several parts. The development of HX education group's international cooperation and exchange; the strategic environment analysis of HX education group's international communication; the strategic choice of HX education group's international cooperation and exchange; the development of HX education group's international cooperation and communication; the development of HX education group's international cooperation and exchange; and the development of HX education group's international cooperation and exchange. And the implementation of the communication strategy and specific countermeasures, and other five parts, Finally, in view of the problems encountered by HX Education Group, this paper discusses and studies the strategic measures to be adopted through scientific theory and practical methods, and analyzes the safeguard measures for the implementation of the strategy.


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