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发布时间:2018-05-20 11:03

  本文选题:人文主义教育 + 人文精神 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:钱穆从中国的历史出发,坚信人文精神是我国文化最大的特征,认为中国的知识分子自春秋以来,一直在探求一种人文精神。所以,钱穆于1949年在香港创办了新亚书院,新亚书院在继承宋明书院自由讲学精神的基础上采用西方大学的导师制,推行人文主义教育。新亚书院的人文主义教育从价值理性出发,重视启发、激励和唤醒的作用,启迪青年探寻人生意义、追求人生理想,力求让学生形成能持之终身的自我教育习惯。从新亚书院的学规到校歌校训,钱穆都亲力亲为,就是为了在新亚书院将人文主义的大方向通过方方面面展现出来,让人文主义教育理想深入每位教师的心中,使每位学生都能在此种教育下领悟时代赋予的使命、找寻到生命的意义、实现人生理想。新亚书院的人文主义教育把古代书院与现代教育很好的融合起来,坚守与发扬了传统教育精神,对我们当前的教育具有重要的启示作用。本文内容共分为四个部分,包括绪论和三章: 绪论部分阐述了选题的意义、研究涉及的概念及范围界定、研究现状和本文的研究方法及本文的创新点。 第一章主要对钱穆以人文主义为新亚书院教育理念的渊源进行了梳理,为下文具体分析钱穆在新亚书院的人文主义教育奠定一定的理论基础。 第二章详细分析了新亚书院人文主义教育的具体做法,是本文的关键部分。 第三章对钱穆在新亚书院的人文主义教育进行了评价,从分析中总结了新亚书院人文主义教育的经验,以为当今教育改革提供启示与借鉴。
[Abstract]:Starting from the history of China, Qian Mu firmly believed that the humanistic spirit was the biggest characteristic of Chinese culture, and believed that Chinese intellectuals had been searching for a humanistic spirit since the Spring and Autumn period. Therefore, Qian Mu established New Asia College in Hong Kong in 1949. On the basis of inheriting the spirit of Song Ming College, New Asia College adopted the tutorial system of western universities to carry out humanism education. The humanism education of the New Asia Academy starts from the value rationality, attaches importance to the function of inspiration, encouragement and awakening, enlightens the young people to explore the meaning of life, pursues the ideal of life, and makes every effort to make the students form a lifelong self-education habit. From the school rules of New Asia Academy to the school motto of the New Asian Academy, Qian Mu did it himself, in order to show the general direction of humanism in New Asia Academy through all aspects, so that the ideal of humanism education can penetrate into the hearts of every teacher. So that every student can understand the mission given by the times, find the meaning of life and realize the ideal of life. The humanism education of the New Asia Academy combines the ancient academy with the modern education very well, sticks to and develops the traditional education spirit, has the important enlightenment function to our present education. This paper is divided into four parts, including introduction and three chapters: The introduction explains the significance of the topic, the definition of the concept and scope of the research, the present research situation, the research methods and the innovation of this paper. The first chapter mainly combs Qian Mu's humanism as the origin of New Asia Academy of Education, which lays a certain theoretical foundation for the following concrete analysis of Qian Mu's humanistic education in New Asia Academy. The second chapter analyzes the concrete methods of humanism education in New Asia Academy in detail, which is the key part of this paper. The third chapter evaluates Qian Mu's humanism education in New Asia Academy, sums up the experience of humanism education in New Asia Academy from the analysis, and provides enlightenment and reference for educational reform today.


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