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发布时间:2018-05-20 15:35

  本文选题:高校志愿服务 + 志愿组织 ; 参考:《南京工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国的青年志愿者行动正式实施始于1993年底,经过近20年的发展,青年志愿者从无到有、志愿队伍从小到大、服务领域从单一到多元化,各方面工作都取得了迅猛的发展。高校志愿者作为青年志愿者中的主力军,为社会主义精神文明建设与和谐社会构建发挥了积极的作用。 探索一条适合江苏省省情的高校志愿服务可持续发展的路子,无疑对江苏省的三个文明建设具有重要的现实意义。因此,如何使江苏省高校志愿服务事业可持续性发展是摆在我们面前的重要课题。本文以江苏地区的高校志愿服务为切入点,针对目前高校志愿服务存在的阶段性、运动化等特征进行研究,对志愿服务持续性存在的障碍进行深入探索,明确制约高校志愿活动可持续发展的障碍所在,如法律法规不完善、资金匮乏、激励机制不健全、培训不系统、活动内容纵深化推进不够、人才队伍不稳定等。借鉴参考国外高校志愿服务发展的成功经验,并结合江苏省的实际情况,提出通过组织机制、管理机制、运行机制、激励机制等对策建议来进一步完善江苏省高校志愿服务相关机制,以推进高校志愿服务事业可持续性发展。 具体来说,论文由五个部分组成: 第一部分:绪论部分。在这一部分中,首先介绍了研究的背景和意义,然后梳理总结了国内外研究现状,同时也简要地交代了文章所涉及的研究方法及思路、研究的重难点及可能的不足等。 第二部分:梳理总结了志愿者、志愿服务、高校志愿者、高校志愿服务等相关概念及理论基础,简要归纳高校志愿服务的主要特点与意义;阐述全国及江苏省高校志愿服务事业的发展概况。 第三部分:指出当前制约高校志愿服务可持续发展的主要因素,即法律法规不完善、资金匮乏、激励机制不健全、培训不系统、活动内容纵深化推进不够、人才队伍不稳定等。 第四部分:主要介绍国外高校志愿服务发展的历史、概况及江苏省高校志愿服务可以借鉴的成功经验。 第五部分:基于国外高校志愿服务发展的成功经验,,探讨促进高校志愿服务可持续发展的思路,从组织机制、管理机制、运行机制、激励机制这四大机制入手,提出推进江苏省高校志愿服务发展的思路与对策。
[Abstract]:The action of young volunteers in our country began to be implemented at the end of 1993. After nearly 20 years of development, young volunteers have developed rapidly from scratch to existence, from small to large, from a single to a diversified service field, and all aspects of work have made a rapid development. As the main force of young volunteers, university volunteers play an active role in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization and harmonious society. It is undoubtedly of great practical significance to explore a way for the sustainable development of voluntary service in colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province, which is suitable for the construction of three civilizations in Jiangsu Province. Therefore, how to make the sustainable development of voluntary service in colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province is an important subject in front of us. This paper takes the voluntary service of colleges and universities in Jiangsu as the breakthrough point, studies the characteristics of the stage and movement of the voluntary service in colleges and universities at present, and probes into the obstacles of the persistence of the voluntary service. The obstacles to the sustainable development of voluntary activities in colleges and universities are clearly defined, such as imperfect laws and regulations, lack of funds, imperfect incentive mechanism, unsystematic training, insufficient promotion of activities in depth, unstable talent ranks, and so on. Referring to the successful experience of the development of voluntary service in foreign universities and combining with the actual situation in Jiangsu Province, the paper puts forward the organizational mechanism, the management mechanism and the operation mechanism. In order to promote the sustainable development of voluntary service in colleges and universities, incentive mechanism and other countermeasures and suggestions are proposed to further improve the related mechanism of voluntary service in colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province. Specifically, the thesis consists of five parts: Part one: introduction. In this part, the background and significance of the research are introduced, and then the present research situation at home and abroad is summarized. At the same time, the research methods and ideas involved in the article, the important and difficult points of the research and the possible shortcomings are also briefly described. The second part summarizes the related concepts and theoretical basis of volunteer, voluntary service, university volunteer, and so on, and briefly summarizes the main characteristics and significance of voluntary service in colleges and universities. This paper expounds the development of voluntary service in colleges and universities in China and Jiangsu Province. The third part points out the main factors that restrict the sustainable development of voluntary service in colleges and universities at present, such as imperfect laws and regulations, lack of funds, imperfect incentive mechanism, unsystematic training, insufficient promotion of activity contents, unstable talent ranks, and so on. The fourth part: mainly introduces the history, the general situation and the successful experience of university voluntary service in Jiangsu province. The fifth part: based on the successful experience of the development of voluntary service in foreign universities, this paper discusses the ideas of promoting the sustainable development of voluntary service in colleges and universities, starting with four mechanisms, namely, organization mechanism, management mechanism, operation mechanism and incentive mechanism. This paper puts forward the ideas and countermeasures to promote the development of voluntary service in colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province.


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