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发布时间:2018-05-22 13:41

  本文选题:身高 + 蒙古族 ; 参考:《中国公共卫生》2013年09期

【摘要】:目的分析蒙古族7~18岁学生在1985—2010年间身高生长变化趋势和特点。方法采用"全国学生体质健康调研"蒙古族通辽校点1985、2000、2010年的调查数据,将蒙古族7~18岁学生分为城男、乡男、城女、乡女4类,对学生身高、生长水平的城乡差异、快速增长期及增长高峰年龄变化、成年(18岁)时身高性差等进行动态分析。结果 1985—2010年,蒙古族7~18岁学生身高生长长期变化有明显增长趋势,城男、乡男、城女、乡女组的身高均值增长量分别为5.79、5.26、3.66、4.27 cm;1985—2000年(前15年)学生身高增长速度明显大于2001—2010年(后10年),城男、乡男、城女、乡女组的身高增长速度前15年与后10年分别为3.32与0.81、2.84与1.00、2.04与0.60、2.47与0.57 cm/10年,提示蒙古族7~18岁学生生长长期变化速度呈现先快后慢特点;蒙古族7~18岁城市学生身高增长大于农村,城乡男生身高增长快于女生(城男城女比较t=4.15,P0.01;乡男乡女比较t=1.42,P0.05),蒙古族7~18岁学生中城男、城女、乡女均表现出身高增长高峰年龄提前趋势;蒙古族18岁学生身高性差逐渐增加,1985、2000和2010年城市18岁学生身高性差分别为9.28(95%CI=8.26~10.30)、12.96(95%CI=12.16~13.76)和13.50(95%CI=12.70~14.30)cm,农村18岁学生身高性差分别为10.37(95%CI=9.79~10.95)、10.97(95%CI=10.24~11.70)和11.66(95%CI=10.89~12.43)cm,2000和2010年城市身高性差均高于农村性差(P0.05),且性差均14 cm,提示蒙古族7~18岁学生身高增长仍处于生长长期趋势的增长阶段。结论蒙古族7~18岁学生身高的生长水平呈积极增长的长期趋势,且呈现出先快后慢的特点,但城乡学生发育水平仍有差距。
[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the trend and characteristics of the height growth of 7~18 year old Mongolian students during the period of 1985 to 2010. Methods using the survey data of "the national student physical health survey" of the Mongolian Tongliao campus for 198520002010 years, the Mongolian 7~18 year old students were divided into city men, township men, city women and township women, and the difference between the students' height and the growth level of the students. The dynamic analysis of the height difference between the age of rapid growth and the age of growth and the difference of height in adult (18 years old). Results from 1985 to 2010, the long-term growth trend of height growth of Mongolian 7~18 year old students was obviously increased. The average height growth of city men, townships, cities and women groups was 5.79,5.26,3.66,4.27 cm; 1985 - 2000 (the first 15 years). The growth rate of birth height was significantly greater than that of 2001 - 2010 (after 10 years). The height growth rate of city men, townships, cities and women groups was 3.32 and 0.81,2.84 and 1.00,2.04 and 0.60,2.47 and 0.57 cm/10 years before the first 15 years and the latter 10 years, indicating that the growth rate of the Mongolian 7~18 year old students was fast and slow, and the Mongolians were 7~18 years old. The height growth of the students was greater than that in the countryside. The height growth of boys and girls in urban and rural areas was faster than that of the girls (t=4.15, P0.01, t=1.42, P0.05). The 7~18 year old Mongolian students, Nakaki O, the city women and the townships all showed the trend of height growth in advance; the height difference of the 18 year old Mongolian students increased gradually, and the city was 18 in 19852000 and 18 in 2010. The height difference of age students was 9.28 (95%CI=8.26 to 10.30), 12.96 (95%CI=12.16 to 13.76) and 13.50 (95%CI=12.70 to 14.30) cm. The height difference of 18 year old students in rural areas was 10.37 (95%CI=9.79 to 10.95), 10.97 (95%CI=10.24 ~ 11.70) and 11.66 (95%CI=10.89 ~ 12.43) cm, and urban height difference was higher than that of rural sex difference (P0.05) in 2010 and 2010. The sex difference is 14 cm, suggesting that the height growth of the 7~18 year old Mongolian students is still in the growth stage of growth. Conclusion the growth level of the height of the 7~18 year old Mongolian students is positive growth trend, and presents the characteristics of fast and slow, but there is still a gap between the development level of the students in urban and rural areas.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古民族大学护理学院公共卫生教研室;内蒙古自治区通辽市疾病预防控制中心;苏州大学医学部公共卫生学院;内蒙古自治区通辽市科左后旗疾病预防控制中心;内蒙古自治区通辽市科左中旗疾病预防控制中心;


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