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发布时间:2018-05-22 16:31

  本文选题:民办高校 + 价值观教育 ; 参考:《长春理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文结合民办高校及其学生特殊性深刻发掘了处在社会转型期的民办高校在管理、教学及师资等方面存在的问题,并在此基础上指出民办高校学生价值观存在多元性、自我性和自卑性等特点。主要表现为个人主义、享乐主义所表现出的世俗化、娱乐化与传统的集体主义、理想主义价值观所推崇的崇高化之间的矛盾冲突。这种价值观上的矛盾和冲突一方面与我们时代的社会化转型相关,又与民办高校内外环境和运行机制以及传统社会价值观念存在着重要的联系。指出重视技能培训和理论学习的民办教育在提高学生就业能力的同时却忽视了道德素质的培养,因此道德教育和党建工作成为当今民办高等教育的薄弱环节。在全球化和网络化影响下,各种社会思潮的泛滥使传统的价值观念和德育教学方式受到强烈冲击。民办高校思想政治教育从内容到形式都难以贴近生活和满足个体心理需要,一时间处于失语状态和边缘地位。 本文共分为四章,各章内容简介如下: 第一章是基本概念的界定。主要给出了民办高校和民办高校大学生以及价值观和价值观教育相关概念的定义。 第二章梳理了马克思主义及其中国特色社会主义价值观理论,指出了社会主义价值观的人本性、民族性、具体性和时代性等特点。 在第三章中介绍了民办高校价值观教育中存在的主要问题。分析了学校、社会、家庭三种价值观教育方式的利弊及其脱节问题。信息社会的到来对传统价值观教育的冲击主要集中在网络文化的负面影响方面。物质主义、功利主义、享乐主义因素也对当前民校大学生职业、日常生活、人生取向都具有潜移默化的负面影响,这也对每一位教师和管理人员在价值观教育方面的素质和能力要求提出了挑战。 第四章是本文的重点和难点,主要针对第三章提出的问题予以提出相应解决方案。在教育方式上对学校、家庭和社会价值观教育予以整合、优化,提出尊重人的个性发展是体现价值观教育民主化的重要理念。民办高校大学生的特殊性决定了教育工作者要在特长专业学习和日常生活交往中积极尊重和引导学生价值选择。针对网络文化对价值观教育的影响问题,作者提出以优秀的网络文化作品引导学生价值观取向,加强先进思想观念的网络传播力度。针对网络消极因素予以制度规范,营造良好的网络文化氛围。并在理念和手段上充分发挥网络的价值观教育作用。培养集体主义精神和远大理想有利于抵御拜金主义和物质主义价值理念的侵袭,有利于学生从思想作风到日常行为上发扬艰苦奋斗的优良民族传统。
[Abstract]:This paper, based on the particularity of private colleges and universities, deeply explores the problems in the management, teaching and teaching of private colleges and universities in the period of social transformation, and on this basis points out that the values of the students in the private colleges and universities have the characteristics of diversity, self and inferiority, and the main manifestation is individualism and hedonism. The contradiction and conflict between the secularization, the entertainment and the traditional collectivism and the sublimity advocated by the idealistic values are related to the socialized transformation of our times, and have an important connection with the internal and external environment, the operating mechanism and the social values of the private colleges and universities. The civilian run education, which attaches importance to skill training and theoretical study, has neglected the cultivation of moral quality while improving the employability of students. Therefore, moral education and Party construction have become the weak link of private higher education. Under the influence of globalization and network, the spread of various social trends of thought makes the traditional values and moral education teaching The ideological and political education of private colleges and universities is difficult to close to life and meet individual psychological needs from content to form, and it is in the state of aphasia and marginalization for a time.
This article is divided into four chapters, and the contents of each chapter are as follows:
The first chapter is the definition of the basic concept. It gives the definition of the concept of values and values education in private universities and private universities.
The second chapter combed the Marx doctrine and the theory of socialist values of Chinese characteristics, and pointed out the characteristics of the human nature, nationality, concreteness and the times of socialist values.
In the third chapter, the main problems in the education of values in private colleges and universities are introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of the three values of education in school, society and family are analyzed. The impact of the arrival of the information society on the traditional values education mainly focuses on the negative effects of the network culture. Materialism, utilitarianism, and pleasure owners The meaning factors also have a negative influence on the current college students' career, daily life and life orientation, which also challenges the quality and ability requirements of every teacher and manager in value education.
The fourth chapter is the key and difficult point of this article. It mainly aims at the corresponding solutions to the problems raised in the third chapters. In the way of education, the education of schools, family and social values is integrated, optimized, and the development of respecting the personality of the people is an important idea to embody the democratization of values education. It is determined that educators should actively respect and guide the value selection of students in the special study and daily life communication. In view of the influence of network culture on values education, the author proposes to guide students' value orientation with excellent network culture works and strengthen the network communication of advanced ideas. In order to create a good network culture atmosphere and give full play to the educational role of network values in ideas and means, the cultivation of the spirit of collectivism and the great ideal is beneficial to resist the invasion of the worship of money worship and materialism, and help the students to carry forward the advantages of hard work from their ideological work style to daily behavior. A good national tradition.


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