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发布时间:2018-05-23 13:31

  本文选题:思想政治教育工作 + 数学思想方法 ; 参考:《北京化工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:经过几代人的潜心研究我国高校思想政治教育工作的积淀了一定的的优秀成果,专门的著作和论文逐年增长,并渗入心理学、管理学等各大领域,诞生了众多跨越人文社会科学本身,甚至延伸到自然科学、艺术科学等领域。近些年与自然科学的接轨较为欠缺。目前,国内较有成就的有复旦大学顾沛、清华大学徐利治等学者,从文化和思维方式的差异性方面做了研究。尤其复旦大学顾沛教授从数学文化漫谈,趣味数学等角度融合了数学和人文社会科学,推动了数学与各类学科的交叉发展。 与此同时,学术界、理论界尤为热衷于思想政治教育与其它学科的交叉研究,许多专家学者从不同角度研究了思想政治教育和数学的交叉性,如厦门大学林文斌博士从数学与思想政治教育的德育功能建立交叉性,还有学者们从数学教学中的思想政治教育出发,研究数学与思想政治教育的交叉性,均得到教育界的认可和社会各界的一致提倡。这些方法对推动数学和思想政治教育的交叉发展有及其重要的作用。 同时,高校思想政治教育工作,与自然科学的交叉方面存在不足,特别是与数学的交叉思想比较薄弱。一是数学方法中模糊信息处理思想;二是建立和正确处理模型思想不够;三是验证和评价思想。主要原因与高校文科教育教学中对数学的重视程度有关,国内大多高校对文科数学教学的重视。开设了文科数学院校,在教材选取上任然拘泥于理工科数学的教学模式,于是思想政治教育工作中的综合问题,直接划归于人文社会科学内部解决,与自然科学完全脱离。基于此,本文通过模糊模型方法,调查问卷过程中Spss分析与多元统计分析的比较,显示数学在思想政治教育工作中发挥的作用。文章认为,数学思想方法是思想政治教育工作必须具备的基本素质,更是人文社会科学与自然科学相互渗透发展的趋势。通过数学工具的运用,对全面提高思想政治教育工作者和学生综合能力,发挥了及其重要的作用。因此,各大高校应该看到数学思想方法的存在价值,通过多方努力,建设一支素质过硬、结构合理、规模适度的教学团队,,把提高数学能力,落实到高校思想政治教育的质量和水平的全面提高上,从而为高校思想政治教育工作培养大批的后备人才。
[Abstract]:After several generations of dedicated research on the ideological and political education work in our country's colleges and universities, there have been some outstanding achievements, specialized works and papers have increased year by year, and have penetrated into various major fields such as psychology, management, etc. The birth of many beyond the humanities and social science itself, and even extend to natural science, art science and other fields. In recent years, the connection with natural science is relatively lacking. At present, some domestic scholars, such as Gu Pei of Fudan University and Xu Lizhi of Tsinghua University, have done research on the differences of culture and mode of thinking. Professor Gu Pei of Fudan University, in particular, combines mathematics with humanities and social sciences from the angle of mathematics culture and interesting mathematics, and promotes the cross-development of mathematics and various disciplines. At the same time, the academic and theoretical circles are particularly keen on the cross-study of ideological and political education and other disciplines. Many experts and scholars have studied the intersection of ideological and political education and mathematics from different angles. For example, Dr. Lin Wenbin of Xiamen University established the intersection of the function of moral education in mathematics and ideological and political education, and scholars studied the intersection of mathematics and ideological and political education from the perspective of ideological and political education in mathematics teaching. Are recognized by the education sector and the community of all walks of life to advocate. These methods play an important role in promoting the cross-development of mathematics and ideological and political education. At the same time, the ideological and political education in colleges and universities is deficient in crossing with natural science, especially in mathematics. One is the thought of fuzzy information processing in mathematical method, the other is that the thought of establishing and dealing with the model correctly is not enough, and the third is the thought of verification and evaluation. The main reasons are related to the importance of mathematics in liberal arts education and teaching in colleges and universities, and most colleges and universities in China attach importance to mathematics teaching in liberal arts. With the establishment of liberal arts mathematics colleges and universities, the selection of teaching materials is still confined to the teaching mode of science and engineering mathematics, so the comprehensive problems in the ideological and political education work are directly assigned to the humanities and social sciences, which are completely divorced from the natural sciences. Based on this, this paper compares Spss analysis with multivariate statistical analysis in the process of questionnaire by fuzzy model method, and shows the role of mathematics in ideological and political education. The paper holds that the method of mathematical thought is the basic quality of ideological and political education, and it is also the trend of the mutual permeation and development of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The application of mathematical tools has played an important role in improving the comprehensive ability of ideological and political educators and students. Therefore, colleges and universities should see the value of mathematical thinking and methods, build a teaching team with excellent quality, reasonable structure and appropriate scale through various efforts to improve mathematics ability. It can improve the quality and level of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, so as to train a large number of reserve talents for the ideological and political education in colleges and universities.


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