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发布时间:2018-05-24 01:14

  本文选题:模糊集理论 + 管理理论 ; 参考:《集美大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:模糊集理论是美国加州大学伯克利分校电气工程系著名控制论专家L.A.zadeh教授于1965年创立的,至今已有四十八年。在各国学者的不断探索和共同努力下,模糊集理论及其应用的研究成果已经非常丰富,它不仅扩充和发展了经典数学的研究领域,而且能有效地解决经典数学难以解决的大系统复杂性问题,以及自然界和日常生活中普遍存在的模糊性问题。高校后勤管理工作是一个复杂的大系统,影响高校后勤管理工作的因素很多,尤其在高校后勤管理工作的综合评估和现代高校食堂的招标决策中,经常会遇到定性评估容易、定量测评困难和许多界限不清的模糊性问题,所以本文利用模糊集理论对高校后勤管理工作的综合评估和现代高校食堂招标的决策问题进行了深入的研究,主要工作如下: 1、针对影响高校后勤管理工作评估因素较多且不少因素具有模糊性等问题,研究并给出一种解决高校后勤管理工作综合评估的模糊综合评判算法。该算法首先将影响高校后勤管理工作评估因素按属性分成九个因素子集,对每个因素子集采用三种不同偏好的一级评判模型进行一层次模糊综合评判,然后对因素子集族进行一级二层次模糊综合评判,接着将这三种一级二层次模糊综合评判结果组合起来进行二级指标模糊综合评判。实验结果表明,该算法能有效解决高校后勤管理工作的综合评估问题。 2、针对现代高校食堂招标决策中存在多目标、多准则且决策评标因素具有模糊性等问题,本文利用模糊层次权重分析法,建立一种解决现代高校食堂招标问题的模糊决策模型。实验结果表明,,该模型对现代高校食堂招标问题提供了有效的决策方案。
[Abstract]:Fuzzy set theory is founded in 1965 by Professor L.A.zadeh, a famous cybernetics expert in the Department of electrical engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. It has been forty-eight years ago. With the continuous exploration and joint efforts of scholars from various countries, the research results of fuzzy set theory and its application have been very rich. It not only expands and develops classic mathematics. The research field, and can effectively solve the problem of large system complexity which is difficult to solve in classical mathematics, as well as the vagueness in nature and daily life. Logistics management in Colleges and universities is a complex large system. There are many factors affecting the logistics management in Colleges and universities, especially in the comprehensive evaluation of logistics management in Colleges and universities. In the bidding decision of the modern university canteen, it is often encountered that the qualitative evaluation is easy, the quantitative evaluation is difficult and many fuzzy problems are unclear. So this paper makes a thorough research on the comprehensive evaluation of the university logistics management and the decision making problem of the modern university canteen by the fuzzy set theory. The main work is as follows:
1, in view of the many factors that affect the logistics management of colleges and universities and the ambiguity of many factors, this paper studies and gives a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation algorithm to solve the comprehensive evaluation of the logistics management in Colleges and universities. This algorithm first divides the factors that affect the evaluation of the logistics management in Colleges and universities into nine factors according to their attributes. The set of one level evaluation model of three different preferences is used to make a hierarchical fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, and then the two level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is carried out on the family of the prime subsets. Then the results of the three levels and two levels of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation are combined to make the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the two level index. The experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively solve the high level. The comprehensive evaluation of the logistics management of the school.
2, aiming at the problems of multi-objective, multi criteria and fuzzy evaluation in the decision making of modern university canteens, this paper uses fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to establish a fuzzy decision model to solve the bidding problem of modern college canteens. The experimental results show that the model is effective for the bidding of modern college canteens. A decision making scheme.


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