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发布时间:2018-05-24 19:49

  本文选题:学科教学知识 + PCK ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:学科教学知识(PCK)是上世纪80年代,美国教育研究会主席之一舒尔曼(Shulman)针对教师资格认证的缺失提出的。学科教学知识是教师的学科知识和教学知识在实践中的有效整合,能够把学科知识转化为学生可以学习的形式的知识,是教师知识的重要组成部分。教育实习是教师教育课程的重要组成部分,,是每一个师范生必须要经历的一个重要学习阶段。那么,通过教育实习,实习生的学科教学知识会在哪些方面有所发展?实习生学科教学知识发展的主要影响因素有哪些? 本文对三位实习生进行个案研究,通过填写CoRe(教学内容表征)表格,了解实习生有关特定内容的学科知识、有关学生的知识和教法知识,通过课堂观察在实际课堂中实习生在教学中的改变,分析特定教学内容的PaP-eRs(实践教学过程)。后通过课后访谈,分析实习生学科教学知识改变的影响因素。 通过对比分析可以看出,通过教育实习,实习生的学科教学知识(PCK)在有关学生的知识和有关教学的学科知识这两方面有较大的发展。主要的影响因素有:与指导教师交流、课堂观察和讲解习题等。
[Abstract]:In the 1980s, Schulman Shulman, one of the chairman of the American Educational Research Association, put forward the lack of teacher qualification certification. Subject teaching knowledge is the effective integration of teacher's subject knowledge and teaching knowledge in practice. It can transform the subject knowledge into the form that students can learn. It is an important part of teachers' knowledge. Teaching practice is an important part of teacher education curriculum and an important learning stage that every normal student must go through. So, through the education practice, the intern subject teaching knowledge will have the development in what aspect? What are the main factors influencing the development of intern teaching knowledge? This paper makes a case study of the three interns, and by filling out the CoReform, we can understand the intern's knowledge about the specific subject, the students' knowledge and the teaching method. By observing the change of the intern in the classroom, the PaP-eRs (practical teaching process) of the specific teaching content is analyzed. After class interview, analyze the influencing factors of the intern subject teaching knowledge change. Through the comparative analysis, we can see that through the education practice, the intern's subject teaching knowledge (PCK) has great development in the two aspects of the students' knowledge and the teaching subject knowledge. The main influencing factors are: communication with teachers, classroom observation and explanation exercises.


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